Pyteomics documentation v4.7.2



Source code for pyteomics.mass.unimod

unimod - interface to the Unimod database

This module provides an interface to the relational Unimod database.
The main class is :py:class:`Unimod`.


This module requires :py:mod:`lxml` and :py:mod:`sqlalchemy`.

#   Copyright 2015 Joshua Klein, Lev Levitsky
#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#   You may obtain a copy of the License at
#   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
#   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#   limitations under the License.

import re

from lxml import etree
    from sqlalchemy.orm import declarative_base, DeclarativeMeta
except ImportError:  # Moved in sqlalchemy 2.0
    from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base, DeclarativeMeta
from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship, backref, object_session
from sqlalchemy.ext.associationproxy import association_proxy
from sqlalchemy import (Numeric, Unicode,
                        Column, Integer, ForeignKey,
                        UnicodeText, Boolean, event)
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker

from . import mass

model_registry = set()

class SubclassRegisteringDeclarativeMeta(DeclarativeMeta):
    def __new__(cls, name, parents, attrs):
        new_type = super(SubclassRegisteringDeclarativeMeta,
                         cls).__new__(cls, name, parents, attrs)
        return new_type

Base = declarative_base(metaclass=SubclassRegisteringDeclarativeMeta)

_unimod_xml_download_url = ''

    basestring = (str, bytes)

CompositionType = mass.Composition

def simple_repr(self):  # pragma: no cover
    template = '{self.__class__.__name__}({d})'
    d = {'%s=%r' % (k, v) for k, v in self.__dict__.items() if not k.startswith('_')}
    return template.format(self=self, d=', '.join(d))

Base.__repr__ = simple_repr

def remove_namespace(doc, namespace):
    """Remove namespace in the passed document in place."""
    ns = u'{%s}' % namespace
    nsl = len(ns)
    for elem in doc.getiterator():
        if elem.tag.startswith(ns):
            elem.tag = elem.tag[nsl:]

def preprocess_xml(doc_path):
    Parse and drop namespaces from an XML document.

    doc_path : str

    out : etree.ElementTree
    tree = etree.parse(doc_path)
    root = tree.getroot()
    for ns in root.nsmap.values():
        remove_namespace(tree, ns)
    return tree

def _formula_parser(formula, session):
    Parse a unimod formula composed of elements,
    isotopes, and other bricks.

    In order to look up a Brick's composition, this
    function must have access to a session.

    formula : str
        A Unimod formula of the form `A(n) B(m)...`
        where A, B, ... are element names or bricks and
        (n), (m)... are parenthesized possibly signed integers or
        omitted in which case they are interpreted as 1
    session : Session
        An active SQLAlchemy session for looking up bricks in the database

    out : CompositionType
    composition = CompositionType()
    for token in formula.split(' '):
        match ='(?P<isotope>\d+)?(?P<elemet>[^\(]+)(?:\((?P<count>-?\d+)\))?', token)
        if match:
            isotope, element, count = match.groups()
            if count is not None:
                count = int(count)
                count = 1
            if isotope is not None:
                name = mass._make_isotope_string(element, isotope)
                name = element
            is_brick = session.query(Brick).filter(Brick.brick == name).first()
            if is_brick is None:
                composition[name] += count
                composition += is_brick.composition * count
    return composition

def _composition_listener(attr):
    Attach event listeners to an InstrumentedAttribute
    to trigger formula parsing on load and on change.
    @event.listens_for(attr, 'set')
    def _update_composition_from_formula(target, value, oldvalue, initiator):
        session = object_session(target)
        if value == '' or value is None:
        # If the object hasn't been associated with a session,
        # we can't look up bricks.
        if session is None:
        target.composition = _formula_parser(value, session)

    @event.listens_for(attr.class_, 'load')
    def _update_composition_on_load(target, context):
        value = getattr(target, attr.prop.key)
        if value == '' or value is None:
        session = object_session(target)
        target.composition = _formula_parser(value, session)

def has_composition(attr_name):
    A decorator to simplify flagging a Model with a column
    to be treated as a formula for parsing. Calls :func:`_composition_listener`
    def decorator(model):
        _composition_listener(getattr(model, attr_name))
        return model
    return decorator

class HasFullNameMixin(object):
    A simple mixin to standardize equality operators
    for models with a :attr:`full_name` attribute.
    def __eq__(self, other):
            return self.full_name == other.full_name
        except AttributeError:
            return False

    def __ne__(self, other):
        return not self == other

[docs] class AlternativeName(Base): __tablename__ = 'AlternativeName' _tag_name = 'alt_names_row' @classmethod def from_tag(cls, tag): attrib = tag.attrib inst = cls( id=int(attrib['record_id']), alt_name=attrib['alt_name'], modification_id=int(attrib['mod_key']) ) return inst id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) alt_name = Column(Unicode(256), index=True) modification_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), index=True)
[docs] class AminoAcid(Base, HasFullNameMixin): __tablename__ = 'AminoAcid' _tag_name = 'amino_acids_row' @classmethod def from_tag(cls, tag): attrib = tag.attrib inst = cls( id=int(attrib['record_id']), full_name=attrib['full_name'], one_letter=attrib['one_letter'], three_letter=attrib['three_letter'], num_H=int(attrib['num_H']), num_O=int(attrib['num_O']), num_C=int(attrib['num_C']), num_N=int(attrib['num_N']), num_S=int(attrib['num_S']), ) return inst id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) num_H = Column(Integer) num_O = Column(Integer) num_C = Column(Integer) num_N = Column(Integer) num_S = Column(Integer) full_name = Column(Unicode(25), index=True) one_letter = Column(Unicode(10), index=True) three_letter = Column(Unicode(10), index=True)
[docs] class Classification(Base): __tablename__ = 'Classification' _tag_name = 'classifications_row' @classmethod def from_tag(cls, tag): attrib = tag.attrib inst = cls( id=int(attrib['record_id']), classification=attrib['classification'] ) return inst id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) classification = Column(Unicode(30), index=True)
[docs] class Position(Base): __tablename__ = 'Position' _tag_name = 'positions_row' @classmethod def from_tag(cls, tag): attrib = tag.attrib inst = cls( id=int(attrib['record_id']), position=attrib['position'] ) return inst id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) position = Column(Unicode(20), index=True)
class Brick(Base, HasFullNameMixin): __tablename__ = 'Brick' _tag_name = 'bricks_row' @classmethod def from_tag(cls, tag): attrib = tag.attrib inst = cls( id=int(attrib['record_id']), brick=attrib['brick'], full_name=attrib['full_name'] ) return inst id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) brick = Column(Unicode(64), index=True) full_name = Column(Unicode(128), index=True) elements = relationship('BrickToElement') @property def composition(self): composition = CompositionType() for element_relation in self.elements: symbol = element_relation.element isotope, element ='(?P<isotope>\d+)?(?P<element>\S+)', symbol).groups() if isotope: isotope = int(isotope) iso_str = mass._make_isotope_string(element, isotope) else: iso_str = element count = element_relation.count composition[iso_str] = count return composition
[docs] class Fragment(Base): __tablename__ = 'Fragment' _tag_name = 'fragments_row' @classmethod def from_tag(cls, tag): attrib = tag.attrib inst = cls( id=int(attrib['record_id']), modification_id=int(attrib['mod_key']) ) return inst id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) modification_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), index=True) _fragment_composition = relationship('FragmentComposition') @property def composition(self): composition = CompositionType() session = object_session(self) for fragment_composition_relation in self._fragment_composition: symbol = fragment_composition_relation.brick_string isotope, element ='(?P<isotope>\d+)?(?P<element>\S+)', symbol).groups() count = fragment_composition_relation.count if count is not None: count = int(count) else: count = 1 if isotope: name = mass._make_isotope_string(element, isotope) else: name = element is_brick = session.query(Brick).filter(Brick.brick == name).first() if is_brick is None: composition[name] += count else: composition += is_brick.composition * count return composition
class FragmentComposition(Base): __tablename__ = 'FragmentComposition' _tag_name = 'fragment_comp_row' @classmethod def from_tag(cls, tag): attrib = tag.attrib inst = cls( id=int(attrib['record_id']), brick_string=attrib['brick'], fragment_id=int(attrib['fragments_key']), count=int(attrib['num_brick']) ) return inst id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) brick_string = Column(Unicode(64), ForeignKey(Brick.brick), index=True) fragment_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), index=True) count = Column(Integer) class ModificationToBrick(Base): __tablename__ = 'ModificationToBrick' _tag_name = 'mod2brick_row' @classmethod def from_tag(cls, tag): attrib = tag.attrib inst = cls( id=int(attrib['record_id']), brick_string=(attrib['brick']), modification_id=int(attrib['mod_key']), count=int(attrib['num_brick']) ) return inst id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) brick_string = Column(Unicode(64), ForeignKey(Brick.brick), index=True) modification_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), index=True) count = Column(Integer) class BrickToElement(Base): __tablename__ = 'BrickToElement' _tag_name = 'brick2element_row' @classmethod def from_tag(cls, tag): attrib = tag.attrib inst = cls( id=int(attrib['record_id']), brick_id=int(attrib['brick_key']), count=int(attrib['num_element']), element=attrib['element'] ) return inst id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) brick_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(, index=True) element = Column(Unicode(16), ForeignKey('Element.element'), index=True) element_obj = relationship('Element', uselist=False) count = Column(Integer) class Element(Base, HasFullNameMixin): __tablename__ = 'Element' _tag_name = 'elements_row' @classmethod def from_tag(cls, tag): attrib = tag.attrib inst = cls( id=int(attrib['record_id']), average_mass=float(attrib['avge_mass']), monoisotopic_mass=float(attrib['mono_mass']), full_name=attrib['full_name'], element=attrib['element'] ) return inst id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) average_mass = Column(Numeric(12, 6, asdecimal=False)) monoisotopic_mass = Column(Numeric(12, 6, asdecimal=False)) full_name = Column(Unicode(64), index=True) element = Column(Unicode(16), index=True)
[docs] @has_composition('_composition') class Modification(Base, HasFullNameMixin): __tablename__ = 'Modification' _tag_name = 'modifications_row' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) username_of_poster = Column(Unicode(128)) average_mass = Column(Numeric(12, 6, asdecimal=False), index=True) ex_code_name = Column(Unicode(64), index=True) monoisotopic_mass = Column(Numeric(12, 6, asdecimal=False), index=True) full_name = Column(Unicode(128), index=True) code_name = Column(Unicode(128), index=True) _composition = Column(Unicode(128), index=True) approved = Column(Boolean, index=True) notes = relationship('MiscNotesModifications') specificities = relationship('Specificity') bricks = relationship(ModificationToBrick) _fragments = relationship(Fragment) _alt_names = relationship(AlternativeName, backref=backref('modification')) # Maps the list of AlternativeName instances loaded dynamically from _alt_names # into a list of plain strings, since the AlternativeName type contains no # additional information. alternative_names = association_proxy('_alt_names', 'alt_name') fragments = association_proxy('_fragments', 'composition') @classmethod def from_tag(cls, tag): attrib = tag.attrib inst = cls( id=int(attrib['record_id']), username_of_poster=attrib['username_of_poster'], average_mass=float(attrib['avge_mass']), monoisotopic_mass=float(attrib['mono_mass']), ex_code_name=attrib['ex_code_name'], code_name=attrib['code_name'], full_name=attrib['full_name'], approved=bool(int(attrib['approved'])), _composition=attrib['composition'] ) for note in tag: if note.tag == MiscNotesModifications._tag_name: model_note = MiscNotesModifications._from_tag(note, if model_note is not None: inst.notes.append(model_note) return inst
class MiscNotesModifications(Base): __tablename__ = 'MiscNotesModifications' _tag_name = 'misc_notes' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) modification_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(, index=True) text = Column(UnicodeText) @classmethod def _from_tag(cls, tag, modification_id): if tag.text is None: return return cls(text=tag.text, modification_id=modification_id)
[docs] class Specificity(Base): __tablename__ = 'Specificity' _tag_name = 'specificity_row' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) position_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(, index=True) classification_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(, index=True) classification = relationship('Classification', uselist=False) # Map through one_letter amino_acid = Column(Unicode(10), ForeignKey(AminoAcid.one_letter), index=True) modification_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(, index=True) hidden = Column(Boolean, index=True) group = Column(Integer, index=True) neutral_losses = relationship('SpecificityToNeutralLoss') @classmethod def from_tag(cls, tag): attrib = tag.attrib inst = cls( id=int(attrib['record_id']), position_id=int(attrib['position_key']), classification_id=int(attrib['classifications_key']), hidden=bool(int(attrib['hidden'])), amino_acid=attrib['one_letter'], modification_id=int(attrib['mod_key']), ) return inst
class NeutralLoss(Base): __tablename__ = 'NeutralLoss' _tag_name = 'neutral_losses_row' @classmethod def from_tag(cls, tag): attrib = tag.attrib inst = cls( id=int(attrib['record_id']), brick_string=(attrib['brick']), count=int(attrib['num_brick']), specificity_id=int(attrib['spec_key']) ) return inst id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) brick_string = Column(Unicode(64), index=True) specificity_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(, index=True) count = Column(Integer) @has_composition('_composition') class SpecificityToNeutralLoss(Base): __tablename__ = 'SpecificityToNeutralLoss' _tag_name = 'spec2nl_row' @classmethod def from_tag(cls, tag): attrib = tag.attrib inst = cls( id=int(attrib['record_id']), specificity_id=int(attrib['spec_key']), monoisotopic_mass=float(attrib['nl_mono_mass']), average_mass=float(attrib['nl_avge_mass']), is_required_peptide_neutral_loss=bool(int(attrib['is_req_pep_nl'])), is_peptide_neutral_loss=bool(int(attrib['is_pep_nl'])), is_slave=bool(int(attrib['is_slave_nl'])), _composition=attrib['nl_composition'] ) return inst id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) specificity_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(, index=True) specificity = relationship(Specificity, uselist=False) monoisotopic_mass = Column(Numeric(12, 6, asdecimal=False), index=True) average_mass = Column(Numeric(12, 6, asdecimal=False), index=True) _composition = Column(Unicode(128)) is_slave = Column(Boolean, index=True) is_peptide_neutral_loss = Column(Boolean, index=True) is_required_peptide_neutral_loss = Column(Boolean, index=True) class CrossreferenceSource(Base): __tablename__ = 'CrossreferenceSource' _tag_name = 'xref_sources_row' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) source = Column(Unicode(64), index=True) @classmethod def from_tag(cls, tag): attrib = tag.attrib inst = cls() = int(attrib['record_id']) inst.source = attrib['xref_source'] return inst
[docs] class Crossreference(Base): __tablename__ = 'Crossreference' _tag_name = 'xrefs_row' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) source_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(, index=True) source = relationship(CrossreferenceSource, uselist=False) url = Column(Unicode(128)) modification_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(, index=True) text = Column(UnicodeText) @classmethod def from_tag(cls, tag): attrib = tag.attrib inst = cls() = int(attrib['record_id']) inst.url = attrib['xref_url'] inst.source_id = int(attrib['xref_source_key']) inst.modification_id = int(attrib['mod_key']) text = [] for node in tag.getchildren(): if node.tag == 'xref_text': if node.text is not None: text.append(node.text) inst.text = '\n'.join(text) return inst
def load(doc_path, output_path='sqlite://'): """ Parse the relational table-like XML file provided by and convert each <tag>_row into an equivalent database entry. By default the table will be held in memory. """ tree = preprocess_xml(doc_path) engine = create_engine(output_path) Base.metadata.create_all(engine) session = sessionmaker(bind=engine, autoflush=False)() for model in model_registry: if hasattr(model, '_tag_name') and hasattr(model, 'from_tag'): for tag in tree.iterfind('.//' + model._tag_name): session.add(model.from_tag(tag)) session.commit() return session def session(path='sqlite:///unimod.db'): engine = create_engine(path) Base.metadata.create_all(engine) session = sessionmaker(bind=engine, autoflush=False)() return session
[docs] class Unimod(object): """ Main class representing the relational Unimod database. Examples -------- If you just wish to get a new copy of the data and store it in a temporary in-memory database, invoking the type without parameters works without issue. >>> new_db = Unimod() If you want to persist a snapshot of the Unimod database to disk and query it from there, or to re-use a previously downloaded database copy, pass a database driver prefixed path: >>> reused_db = Unimod("sqlite:///path/to/unimod.db") If the path did not previously exist, a new copy of Unimod will be downloaded and stored there on the first use, but be immediately available on subsequent uses. """
[docs] def __init__(self, path=None): """ Initialize the object from a database file. Parameters ---------- path : str or None, optional If :py:class:`str`, should point to a database. Use a dialect-specific prefix, like ``'sqlite://'``. If :py:const:`None` (default), a relational XML file will be downloaded from default location. """ if path is None: self.path = None self.session = load(_unimod_xml_download_url) else: self.path = path try: self.session = session(path) if self.session.query(Modification).first() is None: raise Exception() except: # Database may not yet exist at that location self.session = load(_unimod_xml_download_url, path) self.session.query(Modification).first()
[docs] def get(self, identifier, strict=True): """ Get a modification matching `identifier`. Replaces both :py:mod:`by_name` and :py:mod:`by_title` methods in the old class. Parameters ---------- identifier : str strict : bool, optional Defaults to :py:const:`True`. Returns ------- out : Modification """ if isinstance(identifier, int): mod = self.session.query(Modification).get(identifier) if mod is None: raise KeyError(identifier) return mod elif isinstance(identifier, basestring): if strict: mod = self.session.query(Modification).filter( (Modification.full_name == identifier) | (Modification.code_name == identifier) | (Modification.ex_code_name == identifier)).first() if mod is None: alt_name = self.session.query(AlternativeName).filter( AlternativeName.alt_name == identifier).first() if alt_name is None: raise KeyError(identifier) mod = alt_name.modification return mod else: qname = '%%%s%%' % identifier mod = self.session.query(Modification).filter( ( | ( | ( if mod is None: alt_name = self.session.query(AlternativeName).filter( if alt_name is None: raise KeyError(identifier) mod = alt_name.modification return mod
by_title = by_name = get __getitem__ = get @property def mods(self): return self.session.query(Modification).all() def __iter__(self): return iter(self.session.query(Modification).yield_per(1000))
[docs] def query(self, *args): '''Compose an SQL query using SQLAlchemy's ORM interface. See :mod:`sqlalchemy`'s Session documentation for more details. ''' return self.session.query(*args)
[docs] def execute(self, *args, **kwargs): '''Execute an SQLAlchemy statement or a SQL string against the database, returning the resulting database cursor. See :mod:`sqlalchemy`'s Session documentation for more details. ''' return self.session.execute(*args, **kwargs)
