Pyteomics documentation v4.7.2



Source code for pyteomics.xml

xml - utilities for XML parsing

This module is not intended for end users. It implements the abstract classes
for all XML parsers, :py:class:`XML` and :py:class:`IndexedXML`, and some utility functions.


This module requres :py:mod:`lxml` and :py:mod:`numpy`.


#   Copyright 2012 Anton Goloborodko, Lev Levitsky
#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#   You may obtain a copy of the License at
#   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
#   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#   limitations under the License.

import re
import socket
from traceback import format_exc
import warnings
from collections import OrderedDict, namedtuple
from itertools import islice
from lxml import etree
import numpy as np

from .auxiliary import FileReader, PyteomicsError, basestring, _file_obj, HierarchicalOffsetIndex
from .auxiliary import unitint, unitfloat, unitstr, cvstr
from .auxiliary import _keepstate_method as _keepstate
from .auxiliary import TaskMappingMixin, IndexedReaderMixin, IndexSavingMixin

try:  # Python 2.7
    from urllib2 import urlopen, URLError
except ImportError:  # Python 3.x
    from urllib.request import urlopen, URLError

def _local_name(element):
    """Strip namespace from the XML element's name"""
    tag = element.tag
    if tag and tag[0] == '{':
        return tag.rpartition('}')[2]
    return tag

[docs] def xsd_parser(schema_url): """Parse an XSD file from the specified URL into a schema dictionary that can be used by :class:`XML` parsers to automatically cast data to the appropriate type. Parameters ---------- schema_url : str The URL to retrieve the schema from Returns ------- dict """ ret = {} if not (schema_url.startswith('http://') or schema_url.startswith('https://') or schema_url.startswith('file://')): schema_url = 'file://' + schema_url schema_file = urlopen(schema_url) p = etree.XMLParser(remove_comments=True) schema_tree = etree.parse(schema_file, parser=p) types = {'ints': {'int', 'long', 'nonNegativeInteger', 'positiveInt', 'integer', 'unsignedInt'}, 'floats': {'float', 'double'}, 'bools': {'boolean'}, 'intlists': {'listOfIntegers'}, 'floatlists': {'listOfFloats'}, 'charlists': {'listOfChars', 'listOfCharsOrAny'}} for k, val in types.items(): tuples = set() for elem in schema_tree.iter(): if _local_name(elem) == 'attribute' and elem.attrib.get( 'type', '').split(':')[-1] in val: anc = elem.getparent() anc_name = _local_name(anc) while not ( (anc_name == 'complexType' and 'name' in anc.attrib) or anc_name == 'element'): anc = anc.getparent() anc_name = _local_name(anc) if anc is None: break else: if anc_name == 'complexType': elnames = [x.attrib['name'] for x in schema_tree.iter() if x.attrib.get('type', '').split(':')[-1] == anc.attrib['name']] else: elnames = (anc.attrib['name'],) for elname in elnames: tuples.add( (elname, elem.attrib['name'])) ret[k] = tuples ret['lists'] = set(elem.attrib['name'] for elem in schema_tree.xpath( '//*[local-name()="element"]') if 'name' in elem.attrib and elem.attrib.get('maxOccurs', '1') != '1') return ret
class XMLValueConverter(object): # Adapted from _duration_parser = re.compile( (r'(?P<sign>-?)P(?:(?P<years>\d+\.?\d*)Y)?(?:(?P<months>\d+\.?\d*)M)?(?:(?P<days>\d+\.?\d*)D)?(?:T(?:(?P<hours>\d+\.?\d*)H)?(?:(?P<minutes>\d+\.?\d*)M)?(?:(?P<seconds>\d+\.?\d*)S)?)?')) @classmethod def duration_str_to_float(cls, s): # Not a duration, so pass along if not s.startswith('P'): try: return unitfloat(s, 'duration') except ValueError: return unitstr(s, 'duration') match = if match: matchdict = match.groupdict() hours = float(matchdict.get('hours', 0) or 0) minutes = float(matchdict.get('minutes', 0) or 0) seconds = float(matchdict.get('seconds', 0) or 0) minutes += hours * 60. minutes += (seconds / 60.) return unitfloat(minutes, 'minute') else: return unitstr(s, 'duration') @classmethod def str_to_bool(cls, s): if s.lower() in {'true', '1', 'y'}: return True if s.lower() in {'false', '0', 'n'}: return False raise PyteomicsError('Cannot convert string to bool: ' + s) @classmethod def str_to_num(cls, s, numtype): return numtype(s) if s else None @classmethod def to(cls, t): def convert_from(s): return cls.str_to_num(s, t) return convert_from @classmethod def converters(cls): return { 'ints':, 'floats':, 'bools': cls.str_to_bool, 'intlists': lambda x: np.fromstring(x.replace('\n', ' '), dtype=int, sep=' '), 'floatlists': lambda x: np.fromstring(x.replace('\n', ' '), sep=' '), 'charlists': list, 'duration': cls.duration_str_to_float } class _XMLParam(namedtuple("XMLParam", ("name", "value", "type"))): '''A holder for semantic parameters used in several common XML formats Attributes ---------- name: :class:`~.cvstr` The name of the attribute, carrying the accession and unit information value: :class:`~.unitfloat`, :class:`~.unitint` or :class:`~.unitstr` The value of the parameter type: :class:`str` The parameter's local XML tag name. ''' __slots__ = () def is_empty(self): value = self.value return value == "" or value is None
[docs] class XML(FileReader): """Base class for all format-specific XML parsers. The instances can be used as context managers and as iterators. """ # Configurable data file_format = 'XML' _root_element = None _default_schema = {} _read_schema = False _default_version = 0 _default_iter_tag = None _default_iter_path = None _structures_to_flatten = [] _schema_location_param = 'schemaLocation' _default_id_attr = 'id' _huge_tree = False _retrieve_refs_enabled = None # only some subclasses implement this _iterative = True # Configurable plugin logic _converters = XMLValueConverter.converters() _element_handlers = {} # Must be implemented by subclasses def _get_info_smart(self, element, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def __init__(self, source, read_schema=None, iterative=None, build_id_cache=False, **kwargs): """Create an XML parser object. Parameters ---------- source : str or file File name or file-like object corresponding to an XML file. read_schema : bool, optional Defines whether schema file referenced in the file header should be used to extract information about value conversion. Default is :py:const:`False`. iterative : bool, optional Defines whether an :py:class:`ElementTree` object should be constructed and stored on the instance or if iterative parsing should be used instead. Iterative parsing keeps the memory usage low for large XML files. Default is :py:const:`True`. build_id_cache : bool, optional Defines whether a dictionary mapping IDs to XML tree elements should be built and stored on the instance. It is used in :py:meth:`XML.get_by_id`, e.g. when using :py:class:`pyteomics.mzid.MzIdentML` with ``retrieve_refs=True``. huge_tree : bool, optional This option is passed to the `lxml` parser and defines whether security checks for XML tree depth and node size should be disabled. Default is :py:const:`False`. Enable this option for trusted files to avoid XMLSyntaxError exceptions (e.g. `XMLSyntaxError: xmlSAX2Characters: huge text node`). """ super(XML, self).__init__(source, mode='rb', parser_func=self.iterfind, pass_file=False, args=(self._default_iter_path or self._default_iter_tag,), kwargs=kwargs) if iterative is None: iterative = self._iterative if iterative: self._tree = None else: self.build_tree() if build_id_cache: self.build_id_cache() else: self._id_dict = None self.version_info = self._get_version_info() if read_schema is not None: self._read_schema = read_schema self.schema_info = self._get_schema_info(read_schema) self._converters_items = self._converters.items() self._huge_tree = kwargs.get('huge_tree', self._huge_tree) self._retrieve_refs_enabled = kwargs.get('retrieve_refs')
def __reduce_ex__(self, protocol): return self.__class__, ( self._source_init, self._read_schema, self._tree is None, False, ), self.__getstate__() def __getstate__(self): state = super(XML, self).__getstate__() state['_huge_tree'] = self._huge_tree state['_retrieve_refs_enabled'] = self._retrieve_refs_enabled state['_id_dict'] = self._id_dict return state def __setstate__(self, state): super(XML, self).__setstate__(state) self._huge_tree = state['_huge_tree'] self._retrieve_refs_enabled = state['_retrieve_refs_enabled'] self._id_dict = state['_id_dict'] @_keepstate def _get_version_info(self): """ Provide version information about the XML file. Returns ------- out : tuple A (version, schema URL) tuple, both elements are strings or None. """ for _, elem in etree.iterparse( self._source, events=('start',), remove_comments=True, huge_tree=self._huge_tree): if _local_name(elem) == self._root_element: return (elem.attrib.get('version'), elem.attrib.get(('{{{}}}'.format(elem.nsmap['xsi']) if 'xsi' in elem.nsmap else '') + self._schema_location_param)) @_keepstate def _get_schema_info(self, read_schema=True): """Stores defaults for the schema, tries to retrieve the schema for other versions. Keys are: 'floats', 'ints', 'bools', 'lists', 'intlists', 'floatlists', 'charlists'.""" if not read_schema: return self._default_schema version, schema = self.version_info if version == self._default_version: return self._default_schema ret = {} try: if not schema: schema_url = '' raise PyteomicsError( 'Schema information not found in {}.'.format( schema_url = schema.split()[-1] ret = xsd_parser(schema_url) except Exception as e: if isinstance(e, (URLError, socket.error, socket.timeout)): warnings.warn("Can't get the {0.file_format} schema for version " "`{1}` from <{2}> at the moment.\n" "Using defaults for {0._default_version}.\n" "You can disable reading the schema by specifying " "`read_schema=False`.".format(self, version, schema_url)) else: warnings.warn("Unknown {0.file_format} version `{1}`.\n" "Attempt to use schema " "information from <{2}> failed.\n" "Exception information:\n{3}\n" "Falling back to defaults for {0._default_version}\n" "NOTE: This is just a warning, probably from a badly-" "generated XML file.\nYou will still most probably get " "decent results.\nLook here for suppressing warnings:\n" "" "temporarily-suppressing-warnings\n" "You can also disable reading the schema by specifying " "`read_schema=False`.\n" "If you think this shouldn't have happened, please " "report this to\n" "\n" "".format(self, version, schema_url, format_exc())) ret = self._default_schema return ret def _handle_param(self, element, **kwargs): """Unpacks cvParam and userParam tags into key-value pairs""" types = {'int': unitint, 'float': unitfloat, 'string': unitstr} attribs = element.attrib unit_info = None unit_accesssion = None if 'unitCvRef' in attribs or 'unitName' in attribs: unit_accesssion = attribs.get('unitAccession') unit_name = attribs.get('unitName', unit_accesssion) unit_info = unit_name accession = attribs.get('accession') value = attribs.get('value', '') try: if attribs.get('type') in types: value = types[attribs['type']](value, unit_info) else: value = unitfloat(value, unit_info) except ValueError: value = unitstr(value, unit_info) # return {cvstr(attribs['name'], accession, unit_accesssion): value} return _XMLParam(cvstr(attribs['name'], accession, unit_accesssion), value, _local_name(element)) def _handle_referenceable_param_group(self, param_group_ref, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError() return [] def _find_immediate_params(self, element, **kwargs): return element.xpath( './*[local-name()="cvParam" or local-name()="userParam" or local-name()="UserParam" or local-name()="referenceableParamGroupRef"]') def _insert_param(self, info_dict, param): key = if key in info_dict: if isinstance(info_dict[key], list): info_dict[key].append(param.value) else: info_dict[key] = [info_dict[key], param.value] else: info_dict[key] = param.value def _promote_empty_parameter_to_name(self, info, params): empty_values = [] not_empty_values = [] for param in params: if param.is_empty(): empty_values.append(param) else: not_empty_values.append(param) if len(empty_values) == 1 and 'name' not in info: info['name'] = empty_values[0].name return info, not_empty_values return info, params def _get_info(self, element, **kwargs): """Extract info from element's attributes, possibly recursive. <cvParam> and <userParam> elements are treated in a special way.""" try: name = kwargs.pop('ename') except KeyError: name = _local_name(element) schema_info = self.schema_info if name in {'cvParam', 'userParam', 'UserParam'}: return self._handle_param(element, **kwargs) elif name == "referenceableParamGroupRef": return self._handle_referenceable_param_group(element, **kwargs) info = dict(element.attrib) # process subelements params = [] if kwargs.get('recursive'): for child in element.iterchildren(): cname = _local_name(child) if cname in {'cvParam', 'userParam', 'UserParam'}: newinfo = self._handle_param(child, **kwargs) params.append(newinfo) elif cname == "referenceableParamGroupRef": params.extend(self._handle_referenceable_param_group(child, **kwargs)) else: if cname not in schema_info['lists']: info[cname] = self._get_info_smart(child, ename=cname, **kwargs) else: info.setdefault(cname, []).append( self._get_info_smart(child, ename=cname, **kwargs)) else: # handle the case where we do not want to unpack all children, but # *Param tags are considered part of the current entity, semantically for child in self._find_immediate_params(element, **kwargs): param_or_group = self._handle_param(child, **kwargs) if isinstance(param_or_group, list): params.extend(param_or_group) else: params.append(param_or_group) handler = self._element_handlers.get(name) if handler is not None: info, params = handler(self, info, params) for param in params: self._insert_param(info, param) # process element text if element.text: stext = element.text.strip() if stext: if info: info[name] = stext else: return stext # convert types try: for k, v in info.items(): for t, a in self._converters_items: if t in schema_info and (name, k) in schema_info[t]: info[k] = a(v) except ValueError as e: message = 'Error when converting types: {}'.format(e.args) if not self._read_schema: message += '\nTry reading the file with read_schema=True' raise PyteomicsError(message) # resolve refs if kwargs.get('retrieve_refs', self._retrieve_refs_enabled): self._retrieve_refs(info, **kwargs) # flatten the excessive nesting for k, v in dict(info).items(): if k in self._structures_to_flatten: if isinstance(v, list): for vi in v: info.update(vi) else: info.update(v) del info[k] # another simplification for k, v in dict(info).items(): if isinstance(v, dict) and 'name' in v and len(v) == 1: info[k] = v['name'] if len(info) == 2 and 'name' in info and ( 'value' in info or 'values' in info): name = info.pop('name') info = {name: info.popitem()[1]} return info
[docs] @_keepstate def build_tree(self): """Build and store the :py:class:`ElementTree` instance for the underlying file""" p = etree.XMLParser(remove_comments=True, huge_tree=True) self._tree = etree.parse(self._source, parser=p)
[docs] def clear_tree(self): """Remove the saved :py:class:`ElementTree`.""" self._tree = None
def _retrieve_refs(self, info, **kwargs): """Retrieves and embeds the data for each attribute in `info` that ends in _ref. Removes the id attribute from `info`. This implementation is a stub and must be implemented for each specific subclass. It is only called if :attr:`retrieve_refs` """ raise NotImplementedError( ("_retrieve_refs is not implemented for {}. " "Do not use `retrieve_refs=True`.").format( self.__class__.__name__))
[docs] def iterfind(self, path, **kwargs): """Parse the XML and yield info on elements with specified local name or by specified "XPath". Parameters ---------- path : str Element name or XPath-like expression. The path is very close to full XPath syntax, but local names should be used for all elements in the path. They will be substituted with local-name() checks, up to the (first) predicate. The path can be absolute or "free". Please don't specify namespaces. **kwargs : passed to :py:meth:`self._get_info_smart`. Returns ------- out : iterator """ return Iterfind(self, path, **kwargs)
@_keepstate def _iterfind_impl(self, path, **kwargs): """Parse the XML and yield info on elements with specified local name or by specified "XPath". Parameters ---------- path : str Element name or XPath-like expression. The path is very close to full XPath syntax, but local names should be used for all elements in the path. They will be substituted with local-name() checks, up to the (first) predicate. The path can be absolute or "free". Please don't specify namespaces. **kwargs : passed to :py:meth:`self._get_info_smart`. Returns ------- out : iterator """ try: path, tail = re.match(pattern_path, path).groups() except AttributeError: raise PyteomicsError('Invalid path: ' + path) if path[:2] == '//' or path[0] != '/': absolute = False if path[:2] == '//': path = path[2:] if path[0] == '/' or '//' in path: raise PyteomicsError("Too many /'s in a row.") else: absolute = True path = path[1:] nodes = path.rstrip('/').split('/') if not nodes: raise PyteomicsError('Invalid path: ' + path) if not self._tree: if tail: if tail[0] == '[': tail = '(.)' + tail else: raise PyteomicsError('Cannot parse path tail: ' + tail) xpath = etree.XPath(tail) localname = nodes[0] found = False for ev, elem in etree.iterparse(self, events=('start', 'end'), remove_comments=True, huge_tree=self._huge_tree): name_lc = _local_name(elem) if ev == 'start': if name_lc == localname or localname == '*': found += 1 else: if name_lc == localname or localname == '*': if (absolute and elem.getparent() is None) or not absolute: for child in get_rel_path(elem, nodes[1:]): if tail: for elem in xpath(child): info = self._get_info_smart(elem, **kwargs) yield info else: info = self._get_info_smart(child, **kwargs) yield info if not localname == '*': found -= 1 if not found: elem.clear() else: xpath = ('/' if absolute else '//') + '/'.join( '*[local-name()="{}"]'.format(node) if node != '*' else '*' for node in nodes ) + tail for elem in self._tree.xpath(xpath): info = self._get_info_smart(elem, **kwargs) yield info
[docs] @_keepstate def build_id_cache(self): """Construct a cache for each element in the document, indexed by id attribute""" stack = 0 id_dict = {} for event, elem in etree.iterparse(self._source, events=('start', 'end'), remove_comments=True, huge_tree=self._huge_tree): if event == 'start': if 'id' in elem.attrib: stack += 1 else: if 'id' in elem.attrib: stack -= 1 id_dict[elem.attrib['id']] = elem elif stack == 0: elem.clear() self._id_dict = id_dict
[docs] def clear_id_cache(self): """Clear the element ID cache""" self._id_dict = {}
def _find_by_id_no_reset(self, elem_id, id_key=None): """ An almost exact copy of :meth:`get_by_id` with the difference that it does not reset the file reader's position before iterative parsing. Parameters ---------- elem_id : str The element id to query for Returns ------- lxml.Element """ found = False if id_key is None: id_key = self._default_id_attr for event, elem in etree.iterparse( self._source, events=('start', 'end'), remove_comments=True, huge_tree=self._huge_tree): if event == 'start': if elem.attrib.get(id_key) == elem_id: found = True else: if elem.attrib.get(id_key) == elem_id: return elem if not found: elem.clear() raise KeyError(elem_id)
[docs] @_keepstate def get_by_id(self, elem_id, **kwargs): """Parse the file and return the element with `id` attribute equal to `elem_id`. Returns :py:const:`None` if no such element is found. Parameters ---------- elem_id : str The value of the `id` attribute to match. Returns ------- out : :py:class:`dict` or :py:const:`None` """ if not self._id_dict: elem = self._find_by_id_no_reset(elem_id) else: elem = self._id_dict[elem_id] return self._get_info_smart(elem, **kwargs)
# XPath emulator tools pattern_path = re.compile(r'([\w/*]*)(.*)') def get_rel_path(element, names): if not names: yield element else: for child in element.iterchildren(): if names[0] == '*' or _local_name(child) == names[0]: if len(names) == 1: yield child else: for gchild in get_rel_path(child, names[1:]): yield gchild
[docs] def xpath(tree, path, ns=None): """Return the results of XPath query with added namespaces. Assumes the ns declaration is on the root element or absent. Parameters ---------- tree : ElementTree path : str ns : str or None, optional """ if hasattr(tree, 'getroot'): root = tree.getroot() else: root = tree while root.getparent() is not None: root = root.getparent() ns = root.nsmap.get(ns) def repl(m): s = if not ns: return s if not s: return 'd:' return '/d:' new_path = re.sub(r'(\/|^)(?![\*\/])', repl, path) n_s = ({'d': ns} if ns else None) return tree.xpath(new_path, namespaces=n_s)
def _make_version_info(cls): def version_info(source): return cls(source).version_info version_info.__doc__ = """ Provide version information about the {0.file_format} file. .. note:: This function is provided for backward compatibility only. It simply creates an :py:class:`{0.__name__}` instance and returns its :py:data:`!version_info` attribute. Parameters ---------- source : str or file File name or file-like object. Returns ------- out : tuple A (version, schema URL) tuple, both elements are strings or None. """.format(cls) return version_info
[docs] class ByteCountingXMLScanner(_file_obj): """ Carry out the construction of a byte offset index for `source` XML file for each type of tag in :attr:`indexed_tags`. Inheris from :py:class:`pyteomics.auxiliary._file_obj` to support the object-oriented :py:func:`_keep_state` interface. """ entities = { 'quot': '"', 'amp': '&', 'apos': "'", 'lt': '<', 'gt': '>', } xml_entity_pattern = re.compile(r"&({});".format('|'.join(entities.keys())))
[docs] def __init__(self, source, indexed_tags, block_size=1000000): """ Parameters ---------- indexed_tags : iterable of bytes The XML tags (without namespaces) to build indices for. block_size : int, optional The size of the each chunk or "block" of the file to hold in memory as a partitioned string at any given time. Defaults to `1000000`. """ super(ByteCountingXMLScanner, self).__init__(source, 'rb') self.indexed_tags = ensure_bytes(indexed_tags) self.block_size = block_size
def _chunk_iterator(self): """ Read a file in large blocks and chunk up each block into parts resembling XML tags, yielding each chunk. Assumes the file is opened in binary mode. """ f = self.file read_size = self.block_size delim = b'<' buff = started_with_delim = buff.startswith(delim) parts = buff.split(delim) tail = parts[-1] front = parts[:-1] i = 0 for part in front: i += 1 if part == b"": continue if i == 1: if started_with_delim: yield delim + part else: yield part else: yield delim + part running = True while running: buff = if not buff: running = False buff = tail else: buff = tail + buff parts = buff.split(delim) tail = parts[-1] front = parts[:-1] for part in front: yield delim + part def _generate_offsets(self): """ Iterate over the lines of an XML file where each line contains exactly one tag, tracking the byte count for each line. When a line contains a tag whose name matches a name in :attr:`indexed_tags`, yield the byte offset, the tag type, and it's attributes. Yields ------ offset : int The byte offset of a matched tag's opening line tag_type : bytes The type of tag matched attr_dict : dict The attributes on the matched tag """ i = 0 packed = b"|".join(self.indexed_tags) pattern = re.compile((r"^\s*<(%s)\s" % packed.decode()).encode()) attrs = re.compile(br"(\S+)=[\"']([^\"']*)[\"']") for line in self._chunk_iterator(): match = pattern.match(line) if match: yield i,, dict(attrs.findall(line)) i += len(line) def _entity_sub_cb(self, match): ent = return self.entities[ent]
[docs] def replace_entities(self, key): '''Replace XML entities in a string with their character representation Uses the minimal mapping of XML entities pre-defined for all XML documents and does not attempt to deal with external DTD defined entities. This mapping is found in :attr:`entities`. Parameters ---------- key : str The string to substitute Returns ------- str ''' return self.xml_entity_pattern.sub(self._entity_sub_cb, key)
[docs] @_keepstate def build_byte_index(self, lookup_id_key_mapping=None): """ Builds a byte offset index for one or more types of tags. Parameters ---------- lookup_id_key_mapping : Mapping, optional A mapping from tag name to the attribute to look up the identity for each entity of that type to be extracted. Defaults to 'id' for each type of tag. Returns ------- defaultdict(dict) Mapping from tag type to dict from identifier to byte offset """ if lookup_id_key_mapping is None: lookup_id_key_mapping = {} lookup_id_key_mapping = {ensure_bytes_single(key): ensure_bytes_single(value) for key, value in lookup_id_key_mapping.items()} for name in self.indexed_tags: bname = ensure_bytes_single(name) lookup_id_key_mapping.setdefault(bname, 'id') lookup_id_key_mapping[bname] = ensure_bytes_single(lookup_id_key_mapping[bname]) indices = HierarchicalOffsetIndex() g = self._generate_offsets() for offset, offset_type, attrs in g: k = attrs[lookup_id_key_mapping[offset_type]].decode('utf-8') if '&' in k: k = self.replace_entities(k) indices[offset_type.decode('utf-8')][k] = offset return indices
@classmethod def scan(cls, source, indexed_tags): inst = cls(source, indexed_tags) return inst.build_byte_index()
[docs] class TagSpecificXMLByteIndex(object): """ Encapsulates the construction and querying of a byte offset index for a set of XML tags. This type mimics an immutable Mapping. Attributes ---------- indexed_tags : iterable of bytes The tag names to index, not including a namespace offsets : defaultdict(OrderedDict(str, int)) The hierarchy of byte offsets organized ``{"tag_type": {"id": byte_offset}}`` indexed_tag_keys: dict(str, str) A mapping from tag name to unique identifier attribute Parameters ---------- index_tags: iterable of bytes The tag names to include in the index """ _default_indexed_tags = [] _default_keys = {} _scanner_class = ByteCountingXMLScanner
[docs] def __init__(self, source, indexed_tags=None, keys=None): if keys is None: keys = self._default_keys.copy() if indexed_tags is None: indexed_tags = self._default_indexed_tags self.indexed_tags = indexed_tags self.indexed_tag_keys = keys self.source = source self.offsets = HierarchicalOffsetIndex() self.build_index()
def __getstate__(self): state = {} state['indexed_tags'] = self.indexed_tags state['indexed_tag_keys'] = self.indexed_tag_keys state['offsets'] = self.offsets return state def __setstate__(self, state): self.indexed_tags = state['indexed_tags'] self.indexed_tag_keys = state['indexed_tag_keys'] self.offsets = state['offsets'] def __getitem__(self, key): return self.offsets[key]
[docs] def build_index(self): """ Perform the byte offset index building for py:attr:`source`. Returns ------- offsets: defaultdict The hierarchical offset, stored in offsets """ scanner = self._scanner_class(self.source, self.indexed_tags) self.offsets = scanner.build_byte_index(self.indexed_tag_keys) return self.offsets
def items(self): return self.offsets.items() def keys(self): return self.offsets.keys() def __iter__(self): return iter(self.keys()) def __len__(self): return sum(len(group) for key, group in self.items()) @classmethod def build(cls, source, indexed_tags=None, keys=None): indexer = cls(source, indexed_tags, keys) return indexer.offsets
def ensure_bytes_single(string): if isinstance(string, bytes): return string try: return string.encode('utf-8') except (AttributeError, UnicodeEncodeError): raise PyteomicsError('{!r} could not be encoded'.format(string)) def ensure_bytes(strings): if isinstance(strings, basestring): strings = [strings] return [ensure_bytes_single(string) for string in strings] def _flatten_map(hierarchical_map): all_records = [] for key, records in hierarchical_map.items(): all_records.extend(records.items()) all_records.sort(key=lambda x: x[1]) return OrderedDict(all_records)
[docs] class IndexedXML(IndexedReaderMixin, XML): """Subclass of :py:class:`XML` which uses an index of byte offsets for some elements for quick random access. """ _indexed_tags = set() _indexed_tag_keys = {} _use_index = True
[docs] def __init__(self, source, read_schema=False, iterative=True, build_id_cache=False, use_index=None, *args, **kwargs): """Create an indexed XML parser object. Parameters ---------- source : str or file File name or file-like object corresponding to an XML file. read_schema : bool, optional Defines whether schema file referenced in the file header should be used to extract information about value conversion. Default is :py:const:`False`. iterative : bool, optional Defines whether an :py:class:`ElementTree` object should be constructed and stored on the instance or if iterative parsing should be used instead. Iterative parsing keeps the memory usage low for large XML files. Default is :py:const:`True`. use_index : bool, optional Defines whether an index of byte offsets needs to be created for elements listed in `indexed_tags`. This is useful for random access to spectra in mzML or elements of mzIdentML files, or for iterative parsing of mzIdentML with ``retrieve_refs=True``. If :py:const:`True`, `build_id_cache` is ignored. If :py:const:`False`, the object acts exactly like :py:class:`XML`. Default is :py:const:`True`. indexed_tags : container of bytes, optional If `use_index` is :py:const:`True`, elements listed in this parameter will be indexed. Empty set by default. """ tags = kwargs.get('indexed_tags') tag_index_keys = kwargs.get('indexed_tag_keys') if tags is not None: self._indexed_tags = tags if tag_index_keys is not None: self._indexed_tag_keys = tag_index_keys if use_index is not None: self._use_index = use_index if use_index: build_id_cache = False if self._default_iter_path and self._default_iter_path != self._default_iter_tag: warnings.warn('_default_iter_path differs from _default_iter_tag and index is enabled. ' '_default_iter_tag will be used in the index, mind the consequences.') super(IndexedXML, self).__init__(source, read_schema, iterative, build_id_cache, *args, **kwargs) self._offset_index = self.build_byte_index()
@property def default_index(self): return self._offset_index[self._default_iter_tag] def __reduce_ex__(self, protocol): reconstructor, args, state = XML.__reduce_ex__(self, protocol) args = args + (False, ) return reconstructor, args, state def __getstate__(self): state = super(IndexedXML, self).__getstate__() state['_indexed_tags'] = self._indexed_tags state['_indexed_tag_keys'] = self._indexed_tag_keys state['_use_index'] = self._use_index state['_offset_index'] = self._offset_index return state def __setstate__(self, state): super(IndexedXML, self).__setstate__(state) self._indexed_tags = state['_indexed_tags'] self._indexed_tag_keys = state['_indexed_tag_keys'] self._use_index = state['_use_index'] self._offset_index = state['_offset_index']
[docs] @_keepstate def build_byte_index(self): """ Build up an index of offsets for elements. Returns ------- out : TagSpecificXMLByteIndex """ if not self._indexed_tags or not self._use_index: return return self._source, self._indexed_tags, self._indexed_tag_keys)
@_keepstate def _find_by_id_reset(self, elem_id, id_key=None): return self._find_by_id_no_reset(elem_id, id_key=id_key)
[docs] @_keepstate def get_by_id(self, elem_id, id_key=None, element_type=None, **kwargs): """ Retrieve the requested entity by its id. If the entity is a spectrum described in the offset index, it will be retrieved by immediately seeking to the starting position of the entry, otherwise falling back to parsing from the start of the file. Parameters ---------- elem_id : str The id value of the entity to retrieve. id_key : str, optional The name of the XML attribute to use for lookup. Defaults to :py:attr:`self._default_id_attr`. Returns ------- dict """ try: index = self._offset_index if element_type is None: offset, element_type = index.find_no_type(elem_id) else: offset = index.find(elem_id, element_type) if id_key is None: id_key = self._indexed_tag_keys.get(element_type) elem = self._find_by_id_no_reset(elem_id, id_key=id_key) except (KeyError, AttributeError, etree.LxmlError): elem = self._find_by_id_reset(elem_id, id_key=id_key) data = self._get_info_smart(elem, **kwargs) return data
def __contains__(self, key): return key in self._offset_index[self._default_iter_tag] def __len__(self): return len(self._offset_index[self._default_iter_tag])
[docs] def iterfind(self, path, **kwargs): """Parse the XML and yield info on elements with specified local name or by specified "XPath". Parameters ---------- path : str Element name or XPath-like expression. The path is very close to full XPath syntax, but local names should be used for all elements in the path. They will be substituted with local-name() checks, up to the (first) predicate. The path can be absolute or "free". Please don't specify namespaces. **kwargs : passed to :py:meth:`self._get_info_smart`. Returns ------- out : iterator """ if path in self._indexed_tags and self._use_index: return IndexedIterfind(self, path, **kwargs) return Iterfind(self, path, **kwargs)
def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs): # only works on Python 3.x super(IndexedXML, cls).__init_subclass__(**kwargs) if hasattr(cls, '_build_index'): warnings.warn("The method `_build_index` has been renamed to `build_byte_index`.")
[docs] class MultiProcessingXML(IndexedXML, TaskMappingMixin): """XML reader that feeds indexes to external processes for parallel parsing and analysis of XML entries.""" def _task_map_iterator(self): """Returns the :class:`Iteratable` to use when dealing work items onto the input IPC queue used by :meth:`map` Returns ------- :class:`Iteratable` """ return iter(self._offset_index[self._default_iter_tag])
[docs] class IndexSavingXML(IndexSavingMixin, IndexedXML): """An extension to the IndexedXML type which adds facilities to read and write the byte offset index externally. """ _index_class = HierarchicalOffsetIndex def _read_byte_offsets(self): """Read the byte offset index JSON file at :attr:`_byte_offset_filename` and populate :attr:`_offset_index` """ with open(self._byte_offset_filename, 'r') as f: index = self._index_class.load(f) if index.schema_version is None: raise TypeError("Legacy Offset Index!") return index
class Iterfind(object): def __init__(self, parser, tag_name, **kwargs): self.parser = parser self.tag_name = tag_name self.config = kwargs self._iterator = None def __repr__(self): template = "{self.__class__.__name__}({self.tag_name!r}{config})" if self.config: config = ", " + repr(self.config) else: config = '' return template.format(self=self, config=config) def __iter__(self): return self def _make_iterator(self): return self.parser._iterfind_impl(self.tag_name, **self.config) def __next__(self): if self._iterator is None: self._iterator = self._make_iterator() return next(self._iterator) def next(self): return self.__next__() @property def is_indexed(self): return False def reset(self): self._iterator = None self.parser.reset() def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.reset() def map(self, *args,**kwargs): raise NotImplementedError("This query isn't indexed, it cannot be mapped with multiprocessing") def _get_by_index(self, idx): self.reset() value = next(islice(self, idx, idx + 1)) return value def _get_by_slice(self, slc): self.reset() value = list(islice(self, slc.start, slc.stop, slc.step)) return value def __getitem__(self, i): if isinstance(i, slice): return self._get_by_slice(i) return self._get_by_index(i) class IndexedIterfind(TaskMappingMixin, Iterfind): def __init__(self, parser, tag_name, **kwargs): TaskMappingMixin.__init__(self, **kwargs) Iterfind.__init__(self, parser, tag_name, **kwargs) def _task_map_iterator(self): """Returns the :class:`Iteratable` to use when dealing work items onto the input IPC queue used by :meth:`map` Returns ------- :class:`Iteratable` """ return iter(self._index) @property def _offset_index(self): return self._index @property def _index(self): return self.parser.index[self.tag_name] def _get_reader_for_worker_spec(self): return self.parser def _yield_from_index(self): for key in self._task_map_iterator(): yield self.parser.get_by_id(key, **self.config) def _make_iterator(self): if self.is_indexed: return self._yield_from_index() warnings.warn("Non-indexed iterator created from %r" % (self, )) return super(IndexedIterfind, self)._make_iterator() @property def is_indexed(self): if hasattr(self.parser, 'index'): if self.parser.index is not None: index = self.parser.index if isinstance(index, HierarchicalOffsetIndex): return bool(self.tag_name in index and index[self.tag_name]) return False def _get_by_index(self, idx): index = self._index key = index.from_index(idx) return self.parser.get_by_id(key) def _get_by_slice(self, slc): index = self._index keys = index.from_slice(slc) return self.parser.get_by_ids(keys) def __len__(self): index = self._index return len(index)
