Pyteomics documentation v4.7.2



Source code for pyteomics.openms.featurexml

featurexml - reader for featureXML files


**featureXML** is a format specified in the
`OpenMS <>`_ project.
It defines a list of LC-MS features observed in an experiment.

This module provides a minimalistic way to extract information from **featureXML**
files. You can use the old functional interface (:py:func:`read`) or the new
object-oriented interface (:py:class:`FeatureXML`)
to iterate over entries in ``<feature>`` elements.
:py:class:`FeatureXML` also supports direct indexing with feature IDs.

Data access

  :py:class:`FeatureXML` - a class representing a single featureXML file.
  Other data access functions use this class internally.

  :py:func:`read` - iterate through features in a featureXML file. Data from a
  single feature are converted to a human-readable dict.

  :py:func:`chain` - read multiple featureXML files at once.

  :py:func:`chain.from_iterable` - read multiple files at once, using an
  iterable of files.


This module requres :py:mod:`lxml`.


from .. import xml, auxiliary as aux, _schema_defaults, version

[docs] class FeatureXML(xml.MultiProcessingXML): """Parser class for featureXML files.""" file_format = 'featureXML' _root_element = 'featureMap' _default_schema = _schema_defaults._featurexml_schema_defaults _default_version = '1.9' _default_iter_tag = 'feature' _structures_to_flatten = {} _indexed_tags = {'feature'} _schema_location_param = 'noNamespaceSchemaLocation' _offending_keys = {'ints': { ('PeptideIdentification', 'spectrum_reference'), ('UnassignedPeptideIdentification', 'spectrum_reference'), ('quality', 'quality') }} _missing_keys = {'floats': {('quality', 'quality')}} def _get_info_smart(self, element, **kw): kw['recursive'] = kw.get('recursive', True) info = self._get_info(element, **kw) return info @xml._keepstate def _get_schema_info(self, read_schema=True): schema_info = super(FeatureXML, self)._get_schema_info(read_schema) if not read_schema: return schema_info file_version, schema = self.version_info if version.VersionInfo(file_version) < version.VersionInfo(self._default_version): for k, s in self._offending_keys.items(): if k in schema_info: for elem in s: try: schema_info[k].remove(elem) except KeyError: pass for t, s in self._missing_keys.items(): schema_info.setdefault(t, set()).update(s) return schema_info
[docs] def read(source, read_schema=True, iterative=True, use_index=False): """Parse `source` and iterate through features. Parameters ---------- source : str or file A path to a target featureXML file or the file object itself. read_schema : bool, optional If :py:const:`True`, attempt to extract information from the XML schema mentioned in the file header (default). Otherwise, use default parameters. Disable this to avoid waiting on slow network connections or if you don't like to get the related warnings. iterative : bool, optional Defines whether iterative parsing should be used. It helps reduce memory usage at almost the same parsing speed. Default is :py:const:`True`. use_index : bool, optional Defines whether an index of byte offsets needs to be created for spectrum elements. Default is :py:const:`False`. Returns ------- out : iterator An iterator over the dicts with feature properties. """ return FeatureXML(source, read_schema=read_schema, iterative=iterative, use_index=use_index)
chain = aux._make_chain(read, 'read')
