Pyteomics documentation v4.7.5



Source code for pyteomics.mass.mass

mass - molecular masses and isotope distributions


This module defines general functions for mass and isotope abundance
calculations. For most of the functions, the user can define a given
substance in various formats, but all of them would be reduced to the
:py:func:`Composition <Composition.__init__>` object describing its
chemical composition.


  :py:func:`Composition <Composition.__init__>` - a class storing chemical
  composition of a substance.

  :py:class:`Unimod` - a class representing a Python interface to the
  `Unimod database <>`_
  (see :py:mod:`pyteomics.mass.unimod` for a much more powerful alternative).

Mass calculations

  :py:func:`calculate_mass` - a general routine for mass / m/z
  calculation. Can calculate mass for a polypeptide sequence, chemical
  formula or elemental composition. Supplied with an ion type and
  charge, the function would calculate m/z.

  :py:func:`fast_mass` - a less powerful but much faster function for
  polypeptide mass calculation.

  :py:func:`fast_mass2` - a version of `fast_mass` that supports *modX* notation.

Isotopic abundances

  :py:func:`isotopic_composition_abundance` - calculate the relative
  abundance of a given isotopic composition.

  :py:func:`most_probable_isotopic_composition` - finds the most
  abundant isotopic composition for a molecule defined by a
  polypeptide sequence, chemical formula or elemental composition.

  :py:func:`isotopologues` - iterate over possible isotopic conposition of a molecule,
  possibly filtered by abundance.


  :py:data:`nist_mass` - a dict with exact masses of the most abundant

  :py:data:`std_aa_comp` - a dict with the elemental compositions
  of the standard twenty amino acid residues, selenocysteine and pyrrolysine.

  :py:data:`std_ion_comp` - a dict with the relative elemental
  compositions of the standard peptide fragment ions.

  :py:data:`std_aa_mass` - a dict with the monoisotopic masses
  of the standard twenty amino acid residues, selenocysteine and pyrrolysine.


#   Copyright 2012 Anton Goloborodko, Lev Levitsky
#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#   You may obtain a copy of the License at
#   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
#   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#   limitations under the License.

from __future__ import division
import math
from .. import parser
from ..auxiliary import PyteomicsError, _nist_mass, BasicComposition
from itertools import chain, product, combinations_with_replacement
from collections import defaultdict
    from urllib import urlopen
except ImportError:
    from urllib.request import urlopen
from datetime import datetime
import re
import operator
import warnings

nist_mass = _nist_mass
A dict with the exact element masses downloaded from the NIST website: . There are entries for each
element containing the masses and relative abundances of several
abundant isotopes and a separate entry for undefined isotope with zero
key, mass of the most abundant isotope and 1.0 abundance.


def _make_isotope_string(element_name, isotope_num):
    """Form a string label for an isotope."""
    if isotope_num == 0:
        return element_name
        return '{}[{}]'.format(element_name, isotope_num)

def _parse_isotope_string(label):
    """Parse an string with an isotope label and return the element name and
    the isotope number.

    >>> _parse_isotope_string('C')
    ('C', 0)
    >>> _parse_isotope_string('C[12]')
    ('C', 12)
    element_name, num = re.match(_isotope_string, label).groups()
    isotope_num = int(num) if num else 0
    return element_name, isotope_num

# Initialize std_aa_comp and std_ion_comp before the Composition class
# description, fill it later.
std_aa_comp = {}
"""A dictionary with elemental compositions of the twenty standard
amino acid residues, selenocysteine, pyrrolysine,
and standard H- and -OH terminal groups.

std_ion_comp = {}
"""A dict with relative elemental compositions of the standard peptide
fragment ions. An elemental composition of a fragment ion is calculated as a
difference between the total elemental composition of an ion
and the sum of elemental compositions of its constituting amino acid residues.

_isotope_string = r'^([A-Z][a-z+]*)(?:\[(\d+)\])?$'
_atom = r'([A-Z][a-z+]*)(?:\[(\d+)\])?([+-]?\d+)?'
_formula = r'^({})*$'.format(_atom)

def _raise_term_label_exception(what='comp'):
    raise PyteomicsError("Cannot use a mod label as a terminal group. Provide correct group {0}"
                         " in `aa_{0}`.".format(what))

class Composition(BasicComposition):
    A Composition object stores a chemical composition of a
    substance. Basically, it is a dict object, with the names
    of chemical elements as keys and values equal to an integer number of
    atoms of the corresponding element in a substance.

    The main improvement over dict is that Composition objects allow
    adding and subtraction.
    _kw_sources = {'formula', 'sequence', 'parsed_sequence', 'split_sequence', 'composition'}
    _carrier_spec = r"^(?P<formula>\S+?)(?:(?P<sign>[+-])(?P<charge>\d+)?)?$"

    def _from_parsed_sequence(self, parsed_sequence, aa_comp):
        comp = defaultdict(int)
        failflag = False
        for label in parsed_sequence:
            if label in aa_comp:
                for elem, cnt in aa_comp[label].items():
                    comp[elem] += cnt
            elif parser.is_term_group(label):
                slabel = label.strip('-')
                if slabel in aa_comp:
                    # a modification label used as terminal group. This is prone to errors and not allowed
                elif re.match(_formula, slabel):
                    comp += Composition(formula=slabel)
                    failflag = True
                    mod, aa = parser._split_label(label)
                    for elem, cnt in chain(
                            aa_comp[mod].items(), aa_comp[aa].items()):
                        comp[elem] += cnt

                except (PyteomicsError, KeyError):
                    failflag = True
            if failflag:
                raise PyteomicsError('No information for %s in `aa_comp`' % label)

    def _from_split_sequence(self, split_sequence, aa_comp):
        comp = defaultdict(int)
        for group in split_sequence:
            i = 0
            while i < len(group):
                for j in range(len(group) + 1, -1, -1):
                    label = ''.join(group[i:j])
                    if label in aa_comp:
                        for elem, cnt in aa_comp[label].items():
                            comp[elem] += cnt
                    elif parser.is_term_group(label) and label.strip('-') in aa_comp:
                    i = j
                if j == 0:
                    raise PyteomicsError("Invalid group starting from position %d: %s" % (i + 1, group))

    def _from_sequence(self, sequence, aa_comp):
        parsed_sequence = parser.parse(
        self._from_parsed_sequence(parsed_sequence, aa_comp)

    def _from_formula(self, formula):
        if not re.match(_formula, formula):
            raise PyteomicsError('Invalid formula: ' + formula)
        for elem, isotope, number in re.findall(_atom, formula):
            self[_make_isotope_string(elem, int(isotope) if isotope else 0)] += int(number) if number else 1

    def _from_composition(self, comp):
        for isotope_string, num_atoms in comp.items():
            element_name, isotope_num = _parse_isotope_string(

            # Remove explicitly undefined isotopes (e.g. X[0]).
            self[_make_isotope_string(element_name, isotope_num)] = num_atoms

[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ A Composition object stores a chemical composition of a substance. Basically it is a dict object, in which keys are the names of chemical elements and values contain integer numbers of corresponding atoms in a substance. The main improvement over dict is that Composition objects allow addition and subtraction. A Composition object can be initialized with one of the following arguments: formula, sequence, parsed_sequence or split_sequence. If none of these are specified, the constructor will look at the first positional argument and try to build the object from it. Without positional arguments, a Composition will be constructed directly from keyword arguments. If there's an ambiguity, i.e. the argument is both a valid sequence and a formula (such as 'HCN'), it will be treated as a sequence. You need to provide the 'formula' keyword to override this. .. warning:: Be careful when supplying a list with a parsed sequence or a split sequence as a keyword argument. It must be obtained with enabled `show_unmodified_termini` option. When supplying it as a positional argument, the option doesn't matter, because the positional argument is always converted to a sequence prior to any processing. Parameters ---------- formula : str, optional A string with a chemical formula. sequence : str, optional A polypeptide sequence string in modX notation. parsed_sequence : list of str, optional A polypeptide sequence parsed into a list of amino acids. split_sequence : list of tuples of str, optional A polypeptyde sequence parsed into a list of tuples (as returned be :py:func:`pyteomics.parser.parse` with ``split=True``). aa_comp : dict, optional A dict with the elemental composition of the amino acids (the default value is std_aa_comp). ion_comp : dict, optional A dict with the relative elemental compositions of peptide ion fragments (default is :py:data:`std_ion_comp`). ion_type : str, optional If specified, then the polypeptide is considered to be in the form of the corresponding ion. """ defaultdict.__init__(self, int) aa_comp = kwargs.get('aa_comp', std_aa_comp) kw_given = self._kw_sources.intersection(kwargs) if len(kw_given) > 1: raise PyteomicsError('Only one of {} can be specified!\n' 'Given: {}'.format(', '.join(self._kw_sources), ', '.join(kw_given))) elif kw_given: kwa = kw_given.pop() if kwa == 'formula': self._from_formula(kwargs['formula']) else: getattr(self, '_from_' + kwa)(kwargs[kwa], aa_comp) # can't build from kwargs elif args: if isinstance(args[0], dict): self._from_composition(args[0]) elif isinstance(args[0], str): try: self._from_sequence(args[0], aa_comp) except PyteomicsError: try: self._from_formula(args[0]) except PyteomicsError: raise PyteomicsError( 'Could not create a Composition object from ' 'string: "{}": not a valid sequence or ' 'formula'.format(args[0])) else: try: self._from_sequence(parser.tostring(args[0], True), aa_comp) except Exception: raise PyteomicsError('Could not create a Composition object' ' from `{}`. A Composition object must be ' 'specified by sequence, parsed or split sequence,' ' formula or dict.'.format(args[0])) else: self._from_composition(kwargs) ion_comp = kwargs.get('ion_comp', std_ion_comp) if 'ion_type' in kwargs: self += ion_comp[kwargs['ion_type']] # Charge is not supported in kwargs charge = self['H+'] if 'charge' in kwargs: if charge: raise PyteomicsError('Charge is specified both by the number of protons and `charge` in kwargs') else: warnings.warn('charge and charge carrier should be specified when calling mass(). ' 'Support for charge in Composition.__init__ will be removed in a future version.', FutureWarning) self['H+'] = kwargs['charge']
@classmethod def _parse_carrier(cls, spec): """Parse a charge carrier spec. The spec syntax is: <formula>[+-][N] <formula> is a chemical formula as supported by :py:meth:`_from_formula`. [+-] is one of "+" or "-", N is a natural number (1 is assumed if omitted). If both the sign and the charge are missing, the charge of this group can be specified as the number of protons in `<formula>`. Otherwise, having protons in `<formula>` is an error. Returns ------- out : tuple Parsed :py:class:`Composition` and charge of the charge carrier. """ if spec is None: return cls({PROTON: 1}), 1 try: formula, sign, charge = re.match(cls._carrier_spec, spec).groups() except AttributeError: raise PyteomicsError('Invalid charge carrier specification: ' + spec) comp = cls(formula=formula) if sign is not None and PROTON in comp: raise PyteomicsError('Carrier contains protons and also has a charge specified.') if sign is None: # only formula is given if PROTON not in comp: charge = None charge = comp[PROTON] elif charge is None: charge = (-1, 1)[sign == '+'] else: charge = int(charge) * (-1, 1)[sign == '+'] return comp, charge @staticmethod def _mass_to_mz(mass, composition=None, **kwargs): mass_data = kwargs.get('mass_data', nist_mass) absolute = kwargs.get('absolute', True) average = kwargs.get('average', False) # Calculate m/z if required charge = kwargs.get('charge') if charge: # get charge carrier mass and charge charge_carrier = kwargs.get('charge_carrier') ccharge = kwargs.get('carrier_charge') if isinstance(charge_carrier, dict): carrier_comp = Composition(charge_carrier) if ccharge and PROTON in carrier_comp: raise PyteomicsError('`carrier_charge` specified but the charge carrier contains protons.') carrier_charge = ccharge or carrier_comp[PROTON] if not carrier_charge: raise PyteomicsError('Charge carrier charge not specified.') else: carrier_comp, carrier_charge = (composition or Composition)._parse_carrier(charge_carrier) if carrier_charge and ccharge: raise PyteomicsError('Both `carrier_charge` and charge in carrier spec are given.') carrier_charge = ccharge or carrier_charge if not carrier_charge: raise PyteomicsError('Charge of the charge carrier group not specified.') if charge % carrier_charge: raise PyteomicsError('The `charge` must be a multiple of the carrier charge. Given: {} and {}'.format( charge, carrier_charge)) num = charge // carrier_charge carrier_mass = carrier_comp.mass(mass_data=mass_data, average=average, charge=0) if charge and (composition is None or not composition['H+']): mass += carrier_mass * num if charge and composition and composition['H+']: raise PyteomicsError('Composition contains protons and charge is explicitly specified.') if charge is None and composition and composition['H+']: warnings.warn('Charge is not specified, but the Composition contains protons. Assuming m/z calculation.') charge = composition['H+'] if charge: mass /= charge if charge and charge < 0 and absolute: mass = abs(mass) return mass
[docs] def mass(self, **kwargs): """Calculate the mass or *m/z* of a :py:class:`Composition`. Parameters ---------- average : bool, optional If :py:const:`True` then the average mass is calculated. Note that mass is not averaged for elements with specified isotopes. Default is :py:const:`False`. charge : int, optional If not 0 then m/z is calculated. See also: `charge_carrier`. charge_carrier : str or dict, optional Chemical group carrying the charge. Defaults to a proton, "H+". If string, must be a chemical formula, as supported by the :class:`Composition` `formula` argument, except it must end with a charge formatted as "[+-][N]". If N is omitted, single charge is assumed. Examples of `charge_carrier`: "H+", "NH3+" (here, 3 is part of the composition, and + is a single charge), "Fe+2" ("Fe" is the formula and "+2" is the charge). .. note :: `charge` must be a multiple of `charge_carrier` charge. If dict, it is the atomic composition of the group. In this case, the charge can be passed separately as `carrier_charge` or it will be deduced from the number of protons in `charge_carrier`. carrier_charge : int, optional Charge of the charge carrier group (if `charge_carrier` is specified as a composition dict). .. note :: `charge` must be a multiple of `charge_charge`. mass_data : dict, optional A dict with the masses of the chemical elements (the default value is :py:data:`nist_mass`). ion_comp : dict, optional A dict with the relative elemental compositions of peptide ion fragments (default is :py:data:`std_ion_comp`). ion_type : str, optional If specified, then the polypeptide is considered to be in the form of the corresponding ion. Do not forget to specify the charge state! absolute : bool, optional If :py:const:`True` (default), the m/z value returned will always be positive, even for negatively charged ions. .. note :: `absolute` only applies when `charge` is negative. The mass can still be negative for negative compositions. Returns ------- mass : float """ mass_data = kwargs.get('mass_data', nist_mass) # Calculate mass mass = 0.0 average = kwargs.get('average', False) try: for isotope_string, amount in self.items(): element_name, isotope_num = _parse_isotope_string(isotope_string) # Calculate average mass if required and the isotope number is # not specified. if (not isotope_num) and average: for isotope, data in mass_data[element_name].items(): if isotope: mass += (amount * data[0] * data[1]) else: mass += (amount * mass_data[element_name][isotope_num][0]) except KeyError as e: raise PyteomicsError('No mass information for element: {}'.format(e.args[0])) return self._mass_to_mz(mass, self, **kwargs)
std_aa_comp.update({ 'A': Composition({'H': 5, 'C': 3, 'O': 1, 'N': 1}), 'C': Composition({'H': 5, 'C': 3, 'S': 1, 'O': 1, 'N': 1}), 'D': Composition({'H': 5, 'C': 4, 'O': 3, 'N': 1}), 'E': Composition({'H': 7, 'C': 5, 'O': 3, 'N': 1}), 'F': Composition({'H': 9, 'C': 9, 'O': 1, 'N': 1}), 'G': Composition({'H': 3, 'C': 2, 'O': 1, 'N': 1}), 'H': Composition({'H': 7, 'C': 6, 'N': 3, 'O': 1}), 'I': Composition({'H': 11, 'C': 6, 'O': 1, 'N': 1}), 'J': Composition({'H': 11, 'C': 6, 'O': 1, 'N': 1}), 'K': Composition({'H': 12, 'C': 6, 'N': 2, 'O': 1}), 'L': Composition({'H': 11, 'C': 6, 'O': 1, 'N': 1}), 'M': Composition({'H': 9, 'C': 5, 'S': 1, 'O': 1, 'N': 1}), 'N': Composition({'H': 6, 'C': 4, 'O': 2, 'N': 2}), 'P': Composition({'H': 7, 'C': 5, 'O': 1, 'N': 1}), 'Q': Composition({'H': 8, 'C': 5, 'O': 2, 'N': 2}), 'R': Composition({'H': 12, 'C': 6, 'N': 4, 'O': 1}), 'S': Composition({'H': 5, 'C': 3, 'O': 2, 'N': 1}), 'T': Composition({'H': 7, 'C': 4, 'O': 2, 'N': 1}), 'V': Composition({'H': 9, 'C': 5, 'O': 1, 'N': 1}), 'W': Composition({'C': 11, 'H': 10, 'N': 2, 'O': 1}), 'Y': Composition({'H': 9, 'C': 9, 'O': 2, 'N': 1}), 'U': Composition({'H': 5, 'C': 3, 'O': 1, 'N': 1, 'Se' : 1}), 'O': Composition({'H': 19, 'C': 12, 'O': 2, 'N': 3}), 'H-': Composition({'H': 1}), '-OH': Composition({'O': 1, 'H': 1}), }) std_ion_comp.update({ 'M': Composition(formula=''), 'M-H2O': Composition(formula='H-2O-1'), 'M-NH3': Composition(formula='N-1H-3'), 'a': Composition(formula='H-2O-1' + 'C-1O-1'), 'a-H2O': Composition(formula='H-2O-1' + 'C-1O-1' + 'H-2O-1'), 'a-NH3': Composition(formula='H-2O-1' + 'C-1O-1' + 'N-1H-3'), 'b': Composition(formula='H-2O-1'), 'b-H2O': Composition(formula='H-2O-1' + 'H-2O-1'), 'b-NH3': Composition(formula='H-2O-1' + 'N-1H-3'), 'c': Composition(formula='H-2O-1' + 'NH3'), 'c-1': Composition(formula='H-2O-1' + 'NH3' + 'H-1'), 'c-dot': Composition(formula='H-2O-1' + 'NH3' + 'H1'), 'c+1': Composition(formula='H-2O-1' + 'NH3' + 'H1'), 'c+2': Composition(formula='H-2O-1' + 'NH3' + 'H2'), 'c-H2O': Composition(formula='H-2O-1' + 'NH3' + 'H-2O-1'), 'c-NH3': Composition(formula='H-2O-1'), 'x': Composition(formula='H-2O-1' + 'CO2'), 'x-H2O': Composition(formula='H-2O-1' + 'CO2' + 'H-2O-1'), 'x-NH3': Composition(formula='H-2O-1' + 'CO2' + 'N-1H-3'), 'y': Composition(formula=''), 'y-H2O': Composition(formula='H-2O-1'), 'y-NH3': Composition(formula='N-1H-3'), 'z': Composition(formula='H-2O-1' + 'ON-1H-1'), 'z-dot': Composition(formula='H-2O-1' + 'ON-1'), 'z+1': Composition(formula='H-2O-1' + 'ON-1H1'), 'z+2': Composition(formula='H-2O-1' + 'ON-1H2'), 'z+3': Composition(formula='H-2O-1' + 'ON-1H3'), 'z-H2O': Composition(formula='H-2O-1' + 'ON-1H-1' + 'H-2O-1'), 'z-NH3': Composition(formula='H-2O-1' + 'ON-1H-1' + 'N-1H-3'), })
[docs] def calculate_mass(*args, **kwargs): """Calculates the monoisotopic mass of a polypeptide defined by a sequence string, parsed sequence, chemical formula or Composition object. One or none of the following keyword arguments is required: **formula**, **sequence**, **parsed_sequence**, **split_sequence** or **composition**. All arguments given are used to create a :py:class:`Composition` object, unless an existing one is passed as a keyword argument. Note that if a sequence string is supplied and terminal groups are not explicitly shown, then the mass is calculated for a polypeptide with standard terminal groups (NH2- and -OH). .. warning:: Be careful when supplying a list with a parsed sequence. It must be obtained with enabled `show_unmodified_termini` option. Parameters ---------- formula : str, optional A string with a chemical formula. sequence : str, optional A polypeptide sequence string in modX notation. proforma : str, optional A polypeptide sequeence string in `ProForma notation <>`_, or a :py:class:`pyteomics.proforma.ProForma` object. parsed_sequence : list of str, optional A polypeptide sequence parsed into a list of amino acids. composition : Composition, optional A Composition object with the elemental composition of a substance. aa_comp : dict, optional A dict with the elemental composition of the amino acids (the default value is std_aa_comp). average : bool, optional If :py:const:`True` then the average mass is calculated. Note that mass is not averaged for elements with specified isotopes. Default is :py:const:`False`. charge : int, optional If not 0 then m/z is calculated: the mass is increased by the corresponding number of proton masses and divided by `charge`. charge_carrier : str or dict, optional Chemical group carrying the charge. Defaults to a proton, "H+". If string, must be a chemical formula, as supported by the :class:`Composition` `formula` argument, except it must end with a charge formatted as "[+-][N]". If N is omitted, single charge is assumed. Examples of `charge_carrier`: "H+", "NH3+" (here, 3 is part of the composition, and + is a single charge), "Fe+2" ("Fe" is the formula and "+2" is the charge). .. note :: `charge` must be a multiple of `charge_carrier` charge. If dict, it is the atomic composition of the group. In this case, the charge can be passed separately as `carrier_charge` or it will be deduced from the number of protons in `charge_carrier`. carrier_charge : int, optional Charge of the charge carrier group (if `charge_carrier` is specified as a composition dict). .. note :: `charge` must be a multiple of `charge_charge`. mass_data : dict, optional A dict with the masses of the chemical elements (the default value is :py:data:`nist_mass`). ion_comp : dict, optional A dict with the relative elemental compositions of peptide ion fragments (default is :py:data:`std_ion_comp`). ion_type : str, optional If specified, then the polypeptide is considered to be in the form of the corresponding ion. Do not forget to specify the charge state! absolute : bool, optional If :py:const:`True` (default), the m/z value returned will always be positive, even for negatively charged ions. .. note :: `absolute` only applies when `charge` is negative. The mass can still be negative for negative compositions. Returns ------- mass : float """ if 'proforma' in kwargs: # do not try to create a composition from .. import proforma proteoform = kwargs.pop('proforma') if isinstance(proteoform, str): proteoform = proforma.ProForma.parse(proteoform) return Composition._mass_to_mz(proteoform.mass, **kwargs) # These parameters must be passed to mass(), not __init__ mass_kw = {} for k in ['charge', 'charge_carrier', 'carrier_charge', 'absolute']: if k in kwargs: mass_kw[k] = kwargs.pop(k) # Make a copy of `composition` keyword argument. if 'composition' in kwargs: composition = Composition(kwargs.pop('composition')) else: composition = Composition(*args, **kwargs) kwargs.update(mass_kw) return composition.mass(**kwargs)
[docs] def most_probable_isotopic_composition(*args, **kwargs): """Calculate the most probable isotopic composition of a peptide molecule/ion defined by a sequence string, parsed sequence, chemical formula or :py:class:`Composition` object. Note that if a sequence string without terminal groups is supplied then the isotopic composition is calculated for a polypeptide with standard terminal groups (H- and -OH). For each element, only two most abundant isotopes are considered. Parameters ---------- formula : str, optional A string with a chemical formula. sequence : str, optional A polypeptide sequence string in modX notation. parsed_sequence : list of str, optional A polypeptide sequence parsed into a list of amino acids. composition : :py:class:`Composition`, optional A :py:class:`Composition` object with the elemental composition of a substance. elements_with_isotopes : list of str A list of elements to be considered in isotopic distribution (by default, every element has a isotopic distribution). aa_comp : dict, optional A dict with the elemental composition of the amino acids (the default value is :py:data:`std_aa_comp`). mass_data : dict, optional A dict with the masses of chemical elements (the default value is :py:data:`nist_mass`). ion_comp : dict, optional A dict with the relative elemental compositions of peptide ion fragments (default is :py:data:`std_ion_comp`). Returns ------- out: tuple (Composition, float) A tuple with the most probable isotopic composition and its relative abundance. """ composition = (dict(kwargs['composition']) if 'composition' in kwargs else Composition(*args, **kwargs)) # Removing isotopes from the composition. for isotope_string in composition: element_name, isotope_num = _parse_isotope_string(isotope_string) if isotope_num: composition[element_name] += composition.pop(isotope_string) mass_data = kwargs.get('mass_data', nist_mass) elements_with_isotopes = kwargs.get('elements_with_isotopes') isotopic_composition = Composition() for element_name in composition: if not elements_with_isotopes or (element_name in elements_with_isotopes): # Take the two most abundant isotopes. first_iso, second_iso = sorted([(i[0], i[1][1]) for i in mass_data[element_name].items() if i[0]], key=lambda x: -x[1])[:2] # Write the number of isotopes of the most abundant type. first_iso_str = _make_isotope_string(element_name, first_iso[0]) isotopic_composition[first_iso_str] = int(math.ceil( composition[element_name])) * first_iso[1] # Write the number of the second isotopes. second_iso_str = _make_isotope_string(element_name, second_iso[0]) isotopic_composition[second_iso_str] = composition[element_name] - isotopic_composition[first_iso_str] else: isotopic_composition[element_name] = composition[element_name] return (isotopic_composition, isotopic_composition_abundance(composition=isotopic_composition, mass_data=mass_data))
[docs] def isotopic_composition_abundance(*args, **kwargs): """Calculate the relative abundance of a given isotopic composition of a molecule. Parameters ---------- formula : str, optional A string with a chemical formula. composition : Composition, optional A Composition object with the isotopic composition of a substance. mass_data : dict, optional A dict with the masses of chemical elements (the default value is :py:data:`nist_mass`). Returns ------- relative_abundance : float The relative abundance of a given isotopic composition. """ composition = (Composition(kwargs['composition']) if 'composition' in kwargs else Composition(*args, **kwargs)) isotopic_composition = defaultdict(dict) # Check if there are default and non-default isotopes of the same # element and rearrange the elements. for element in composition: element_name, isotope_num = _parse_isotope_string(element) # If there is already an entry for this element and either it # contains a default isotope or newly added isotope is default # then raise an exception. if (element_name in isotopic_composition) and (isotope_num == 0 or 0 in isotopic_composition[element_name]): raise PyteomicsError( 'Please specify the isotopic states of all atoms of %s or do not specify them at all.' % element_name) else: isotopic_composition[element_name][isotope_num] = composition[element] # Calculate relative abundance. mass_data = kwargs.get('mass_data', nist_mass) num1, num2, denom = 1, 1, 1 for element_name, isotope_dict in isotopic_composition.items(): num1 *= math.factorial(sum(isotope_dict.values())) for isotope_num, isotope_content in isotope_dict.items(): denom *= math.factorial(isotope_content) if isotope_num: num2 *= mass_data[element_name][isotope_num][1] ** isotope_content return num2 * (num1 / denom)
[docs] def isotopologues(*args, **kwargs): """Iterate over possible isotopic states of a molecule. The molecule can be defined by formula, sequence, parsed sequence, or composition. The space of possible isotopic compositions is restrained by parameters ``elements_with_isotopes``, ``isotope_threshold``, ``overall_threshold``. Parameters ---------- formula : str, optional A string with a chemical formula. sequence : str, optional A polypeptide sequence string in modX notation. parsed_sequence : list of str, optional A polypeptide sequence parsed into a list of amino acids. composition : :py:class:`Composition`, optional A :py:class:`Composition` object with the elemental composition of a substance. report_abundance : bool, optional If :py:const:`True`, the output will contain 2-tuples: `(composition, abundance)`. Otherwise, only compositions are yielded. Default is :py:const:`False`. elements_with_isotopes : container of str, optional A set of elements to be considered in isotopic distribution (by default, every element has an isotopic distribution). isotope_threshold : float, optional The threshold abundance of a specific isotope to be considered. Default is :py:const:`5e-4`. overall_threshold : float, optional The threshold abundance of the calculateed isotopic composition. Default is :py:const:`0`. aa_comp : dict, optional A dict with the elemental composition of the amino acids (the default value is :py:data:`std_aa_comp`). mass_data : dict, optional A dict with the masses of chemical elements (the default value is :py:data:`nist_mass`). Returns ------- out : iterator Iterator over possible isotopic compositions. """ iso_threshold = kwargs.pop('isotope_threshold', 5e-4) overall_threshold = kwargs.pop('overall_threshold', 0.0) mass_data = kwargs.get('mass_data', nist_mass) elements_with_isotopes = kwargs.get('elements_with_isotopes') report_abundance = kwargs.get('report_abundance', False) composition = Composition(kwargs['composition']) if 'composition' in kwargs else Composition(*args, **kwargs) other_kw = kwargs.copy() for k in Composition._kw_sources: other_kw.pop(k, None) dict_elem_isotopes = {} for element in composition: if elements_with_isotopes is None or element in elements_with_isotopes: element_name, isotope_num = _parse_isotope_string(element) isotopes = {k: v for k, v in mass_data[element_name].items() if k != 0 and v[1] >= iso_threshold} list_isotopes = [_make_isotope_string(element_name, k) for k in isotopes] dict_elem_isotopes[element] = list_isotopes else: dict_elem_isotopes[element] = [element] all_isotoplogues = [] for element, list_isotopes in dict_elem_isotopes.items(): n = composition[element] list_comb_element_n = [] for elementXn in combinations_with_replacement(list_isotopes, n): list_comb_element_n.append(elementXn) all_isotoplogues.append(list_comb_element_n) for isotopologue in product(*all_isotoplogues): ic = Composition(formula=''.join(atom for el in isotopologue for atom in el), **other_kw) if report_abundance or overall_threshold > 0.0: abundance = isotopic_composition_abundance(composition=ic, **other_kw) if abundance > overall_threshold: if report_abundance: yield (ic, abundance) else: yield ic else: yield ic
std_aa_mass = { 'G': 57.02146372057, 'A': 71.03711378471, 'S': 87.03202840427001, 'P': 97.05276384885, 'V': 99.06841391299, 'T': 101.04767846841, 'C': 103.00918478471, 'L': 113.08406397713001, 'I': 113.08406397713001, 'J': 113.08406397713001, 'N': 114.04292744114001, 'D': 115.02694302383001, 'Q': 128.05857750527997, 'K': 128.09496301399997, 'E': 129.04259308796998, 'M': 131.04048491299, 'H': 137.05891185845002, 'F': 147.06841391298997, 'U': 150.95363508471, 'R': 156.10111102359997, 'Y': 163.06332853254997, 'W': 186.07931294985997, 'O': 237.14772686284996} """A dictionary with monoisotopic masses of the twenty standard amino acid residues, selenocysteine and pyrrolysine. """
[docs] def fast_mass(sequence, ion_type=None, charge=None, **kwargs): """Calculate monoisotopic mass of an ion using the fast algorithm. May be used only if amino acid residues are presented in one-letter code. Parameters ---------- sequence : str A polypeptide sequence string. ion_type : str, optional If specified, then the polypeptide is considered to be in a form of corresponding ion. Do not forget to specify the charge state! charge : int, optional If not 0 then m/z is calculated: the mass is increased by the corresponding number of proton masses and divided by z. mass_data : dict, optional A dict with the masses of chemical elements (the default value is :py:data:`nist_mass`). aa_mass : dict, optional A dict with the monoisotopic mass of amino acid residues (default is std_aa_mass); ion_comp : dict, optional A dict with the relative elemental compositions of peptide ion fragments (default is :py:data:`std_ion_comp`). Returns ------- mass : float Monoisotopic mass or m/z of a peptide molecule/ion. """ aa_mass = kwargs.get('aa_mass', std_aa_mass) try: mass = sum(aa_mass[i] for i in sequence) except KeyError as e: raise PyteomicsError('No mass data for residue: ' + e.args[0]) mass_data = kwargs.get('mass_data', nist_mass) mass += mass_data['H'][0][0] * 2 + mass_data['O'][0][0] if ion_type: try: icomp = kwargs.get('ion_comp', std_ion_comp)[ion_type] except KeyError: raise PyteomicsError('Unknown ion type: {}'.format(ion_type)) mass += sum(mass_data[element][0][0] * num for element, num in icomp.items()) if charge: mass = (mass + mass_data['H+'][0][0] * charge) / charge return mass
[docs] def fast_mass2(sequence, ion_type=None, charge=None, **kwargs): """Calculate monoisotopic mass of an ion using the fast algorithm. *modX* notation is fully supported. Parameters ---------- sequence : str A polypeptide sequence string. ion_type : str, optional If specified, then the polypeptide is considered to be in a form of corresponding ion. Do not forget to specify the charge state! charge : int, optional If not 0 then m/z is calculated: the mass is increased by the corresponding number of proton masses and divided by z. mass_data : dict, optional A dict with the masses of chemical elements (the default value is :py:data:`nist_mass`). aa_mass : dict, optional A dict with the monoisotopic mass of amino acid residues (default is std_aa_mass). ion_comp : dict, optional A dict with the relative elemental compositions of peptide ion fragments (default is :py:data:`std_ion_comp`). Returns ------- mass : float Monoisotopic mass or m/z of a peptide molecule/ion. """ aa_mass = kwargs.get('aa_mass', std_aa_mass) mass_data = kwargs.get('mass_data', nist_mass) try: comp = parser.amino_acid_composition(sequence, show_unmodified_termini=True, allow_unknown_modifications=True, labels=aa_mass) except PyteomicsError: raise PyteomicsError('Mass not specified for label(s): {}'.format( ', '.join(set(parser.parse(sequence)).difference(aa_mass)))) try: mass = 0 for aa, num in comp.items(): if aa in aa_mass: mass += aa_mass[aa] * num elif parser.is_term_mod(aa): assert num == 1 group = aa.strip('-') if group.islower() and group in aa_mass: _raise_term_label_exception('mass') else: try: mass += calculate_mass(formula=group, mass_data=mass_data) except PyteomicsError: raise PyteomicsError('Could not parse terminal group as a formula: {}'.format(group)) else: mod, X = parser._split_label(aa) mass += (aa_mass[mod] + aa_mass[X]) * num except KeyError as e: raise PyteomicsError('Unspecified mass for modification: "{}"'.format(e.args[0])) if ion_type: try: icomp = kwargs.get('ion_comp', std_ion_comp)[ion_type] except KeyError: raise PyteomicsError('Unknown ion type: {}'.format(ion_type)) mass += sum(mass_data[element][0][0] * num for element, num in icomp.items()) if charge: mass = (mass + mass_data['H+'][0][0] * charge) / charge return mass
[docs] class Unimod(): """A class for Unimod database of modifications. The list of all modifications can be retrieved via `mods` attribute. Methods for convenient searching are `by_title` and `by_name`. For more elaborate filtering, iterate manually over the list. .. note:: See :py:mod:`pyteomics.mass.unimod` for a new alternative class with more features. """
[docs] def __init__(self, source=''): """Create a database and fill it from XML file retrieved from `source`. Parameters ---------- source : str or file, optional A file-like object or a URL to read from. Don't forget the ``'file://'`` prefix when pointing to local files. """ from lxml import etree from ..xml import _local_name def process_mod(mod): d = mod.attrib new_d = {} for key in ('date_time_modified', 'date_time_posted'): new_d[key] = datetime.strptime(d.pop(key), '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') comp = Composition() for delta in self._xpath('delta', mod): # executed 1 time for key in ('avge_mass', 'mono_mass'): new_d[key] = float(delta.attrib.pop(key)) for elem in self._xpath('element', delta): e_d = elem.attrib amount = int(e_d.pop('number')) label = e_d.pop('symbol') isotope, symbol = re.match(r'^(\d*)(\D+)$', label).groups() if not isotope: isotope = 0 else: isotope = int(isotope) comp += Composition(formula=_make_isotope_string(symbol, isotope), mass_data=self._massdata) * amount new_d['composition'] = comp new_d['record_id'] = int(d.pop('record_id')) new_d['approved'] = d.pop('approved') == '1' new_d.update(d) spec = [] for sp in self._xpath('specificity', mod): sp_d = sp.attrib sp_new_d = {} sp_new_d['hidden'] = (sp_d.pop('hidden') == '1') sp_new_d['spec_group'] = int(sp_d.pop('spec_group')) sp_new_d.update(sp_d) notes = [] for note in self._xpath('*', sp): if note.text and note.text.strip(): notes.append(note.text.strip()) if notes: sp_new_d['note'] = '\n'.join(notes) spec.append(sp_new_d) new_d['specificity'] = spec alt_names = [] for alt_name in self._xpath('alt_name', mod): alt_names.append(alt_name.text) if alt_names: new_d['alt_names'] = alt_names refs = [] for ref in self._xpath('xref', mod): ref_d = {} for sub in ref.iterchildren(): ref_d[_local_name(sub)] = sub.text for key in ('text', 'source', 'url'): if key not in ref_d: ref_d[key] = None refs.append(ref_d) new_d['refs'] = refs return new_d if isinstance(source, str): self._tree = etree.parse(urlopen(source)) else: self._tree = etree.parse(source) self._massdata = self._mass_data() self._mods = [] self._id = {} for i, mod in enumerate(self._xpath('/unimod/modifications/mod')): mod_dict = process_mod(mod) self._mods.append(mod_dict) self._id[mod_dict['record_id']] = i
def _xpath(self, path, element=None): from ..xml import xpath if element is None: return xpath(self._tree, path, 'umod') return xpath(element, path, 'umod') def _mass_data(self): massdata = defaultdict(dict) elements = [x.attrib for x in self._xpath('/unimod/elements/elem')] avg = {} for elem in elements: i, label = re.match(r'^(\d*)(\D+)$', elem['title']).groups() if not i: iso = 0 else: iso = int(i) massdata[label][iso] = (float(elem['mono_mass']), float(iso == 0)) if not iso: avg[label] = float(elem['avge_mass']) for elem, isotopes in massdata.items(): isotopes[int(round(isotopes[0][0]))] = isotopes[0] if len(isotopes) == 3: m1, m2 = (x[1][0] for x in sorted(isotopes.items())[1:]) m_avg = avg[elem] a = (m2 - m_avg) / (m2 - m1) b = (m_avg - m1) / (m2 - m1) for state, abundance in zip(sorted(isotopes)[1:], (a, b)): isotopes[state] = (isotopes[state][0], abundance) return massdata @property def mods(self): """Get the list of Unimod modifications""" return self._mods @property def mass_data(self): """Get element mass data extracted from the database""" return self._massdata
[docs] def by_title(self, title, strict=True): """Search modifications by title. If a single modification is found, it is returned. Otherwise, a list will be returned. Parameters ---------- title : str The modification title. strict : bool, optional If :py:const:`False`, the search will return all modifications whose title **contains** `title`, otherwise equality is required. :py:const:`True` by default. Returns ------- out : dict or list A single modification or a list of modifications. """ f = {True: operator.eq, False: operator.contains} func = f[strict] result = [m for m in self._mods if func(m['title'], title)] if len(result) == 1: return result[0] return result
[docs] def by_name(self, name, strict=True): """Search modifications by name. If a single modification is found, it is returned. Otherwise, a list will be returned. Parameters ---------- name : str The full name of the modification(s). strict : bool, optional If :py:const:`False`, the search will return all modifications whose full name **contains** `title`, otherwise equality is required. :py:const:`True` by default. Returns ------- out : dict or list A single modification or a list of modifications. """ f = {True: operator.eq, False: operator.contains} func = f[strict] result = [m for m in self._mods if func(m['full_name'], name)] if len(result) == 1: return result[0] return result
[docs] def by_id(self, i): """Search modifications by record ID. If a modification is found, it is returned. Otherwise, :py:exc:`KeyError` is raised. Parameters ---------- i : int or str The Unimod record ID. Returns ------- out : dict A single modification dict. """ if isinstance(i, str): i = int(i) return self._mods[self._id[i]]
__getitem__ = by_id
def neutral_mass(mz, z, charge_carrier=_nist_mass[PROTON][0][0]): return (mz * abs(z)) - (z * charge_carrier) def mass_charge_ratio(neutral_mass, z, charge_carrier=_nist_mass[PROTON][0][0]): return (neutral_mass + (z * charge_carrier)) / abs(z)
