mztab - mzTab file reader
`mzTab <https://github.com/HUPO-PSI/mzTab>`_ is one of the standards
developed by the Proteomics Informatics working group of the HUPO Proteomics
Standard Initiative.
This module provides a way to read mzTab files into a collection of
:py:class:`pandas.DataFrame` instances in memory, along with a mapping
of the file-level metadata. MzTab specifications 1.0 and 2.0 are supported.
Data access
:py:class:`MzTab` - a class representing a single mzTab file.
:py:class:`Group` - a collection of metadata relating to one entity.
:py:class:`_MzTabTable` - a single table in an mzTab file.
Property Management
:mod:`mztab` uses metaprogramming to generate its metadata accessors, generated by
these classes working in concert.
import re
import warnings
import pandas as pd
except ImportError:
pd = None
from collections import OrderedDict
from pyteomics.auxiliary import _file_obj
from pyteomics.auxiliary import cvstr
from pyteomics.auxiliary.utils import add_metaclass
def _require_pandas():
if pd is None:
raise ImportError(
"To load an mzTab file into pandas.DataFrame objects, you must install pandas!")
class _MzTabParserBase(object):
def _parse_param(self, tuplet):
"""Parse a controlled vocabulary or user specified parameter tuplet
into a Python object
tuplet : str
A square brace enclosed tuplet of values describing the parameter
The reduced representation of the parameter
cv, acc, name, value = re.split(r"\s*,\s*", tuplet[1:-1])
param_name = cvstr(name, acc)
if value:
return (param_name, value)
return (param_name)
def collapse_properties(self, proplist):
'''Collapse a flat property list into a hierchical structure.
This is intended to operate on :py:class:`Mapping` objects, including
:class:`dict`, :class:`pandas.Series` and :class:`pandas.DataFrame`.
.. code-block:: python
"ms_run[1]-format": "Andromeda:apl file format",
"ms_run[1]-location": "file://...",
"ms_run[1]-id_format": "scan number only nativeID format"
.. code-block:: python
"ms_run": [
"format": "Andromeda:apl file format",
"location": "file://...",
"id_format": "scan number only nativeID format"
proplist: :class:`Mapping`
Key-Value pairs to collapse
The collapsed property list
entities = OrderedDict()
rest = {}
for key, value in proplist.items():
entity, prop_name = key.rsplit("-", 1)
except ValueError:
rest[key] = value
entity_dict = entities[entity]
except KeyError:
entity_dict = entities[entity] = {}
entity_dict[prop_name] = value
for key, value in proplist.items():
if key in entities:
entity = entities[key]
if 'name' not in entity:
entity['name'] = value
for key, value in rest.items():
if key in entities:
entities[key]['name'] = value
entities[key] = value
return entities
def _collapse_collections(self, entities):
gathered = Group()
for key, props in entities.items():
if '[' in key:
k, ix = key.split('[', 1)
if '[' in ix:
# If we have multiple [ in a key, we are dealing with a path
path = extract_path(key)
for k, ix in path[:-1]:
store = gathered[k]
store = store[int(ix)]
k, ix = path[-1]
store[k][int(ix)] = props
ix = int(ix[:-1])
gathered[k][ix] = props
gathered[key] = props
return gathered
def _cast_value(self, value):
"""Convert a cell value to the appropriate Python type
value : str
The cell value as text
The most specialized type recognized
if value == 'null':
return None
# is it a parameter?
if value.startswith("["):
if "|" in value:
return [self._cast_value(v) for v in value.split("|")]
return self._parse_param(value)
except ValueError:
return value
# begin guessing dtype
value = int(value)
except ValueError:
value = float(value)
except ValueError:
return value
def gather(self, mapping):
'''Collapse property lists using :meth:`collapse_properties`
and then gather collections of entites into lists.
mapping : dict
The flattened hierarchy of properties to re-construct
Group :
A :class:`Group` of all entities and collections of entities
return self._collapse_collections(self.collapse_properties(mapping))
class _MzTabTable(_MzTabParserBase):
"""An internal class for accumulating information about an single table
represented in an mzTab file
header : list
The column names for the table
name : str
The table's name, human readable
rows : list
An accumulator of table rows
def __init__(self, name, header=None, rows=None):
if rows is None:
rows = []
self.name = name
self.header = header
self.rows = rows
def __repr__(self):
n_cols = len(self.header) if self.header is not None else 0
n_rows = len(self.rows)
template = "<_MzTabTable {name} with {n_cols} columns and {n_rows} rows>"
return template.format(n_cols=n_cols, n_rows=n_rows, name=self.name)
def add(self, row):
self.rows.append([self._cast_value(v) for v in row])
def __len__(self):
return len(self.rows)
def __getitem__(self, i):
if isinstance(i, int):
return self.gather({h: r for h, r in zip(self.header, self.rows[i])})
elif isinstance(i, slice):
out = []
for i in range(i.start or 0, i.stop or len(self), i.step or 1):
return out
raise TypeError("Cannot access table with object of type %r" % type(i))
def as_dict(self):
return {"rows": [dict(zip(self.header, row)) for row in self.rows],
"name": self.name}
def as_df(self, index=None):
"""Convert the table to a DataFrame in memory.
table = pd.DataFrame(data=self.rows, columns=self.header)
if index is not None and len(table.index) > 0:
table = table.set_index(index, drop=False)
table.name = self.name
return table
def clear(self):
self.header = None
self.rows = []
DICT_FORMAT = 'dict'
RAW_FORMAT = 'raw'
PATH_PARSER = re.compile(r"([^\[]+)\[(\d+)\]_?")
class Group(OrderedDict):
'''A type for holding collections of arbitrarily nested keys from rows
and metadata mappings.
Implemented as an autovivifying :class:`OrderedDict` variant. As such implements
the :class:`~collections.abc.Mapping` interface.
def get_path(self, path, default=None):
'''As :meth:`get` but over a path key parsed with :func:`extract_path`.
path : str
The path to search down
default : object, optional
The return value when the path is missing
tokens = extract_path(path)
if not tokens:
return self.get(path, default)
layer = self
for k, i in tokens[:-1]:
i = int(i)
layer = layer.get(k)
if layer is None:
return None
layer = layer.get(i)
if layer is None:
return None
k, i = tokens[-1]
i = int(i)
layer = layer.get(k)
if layer is None:
return default
value = layer.get(i, default)
return value
def __missing__(self, key):
value = self.__class__()
self[key] = value
return value
class MzTab(_MzTabParserBase):
"""Parser for mzTab format files.
comments : list
A list of comments across the file
file : _file_obj
A file stream wrapper for the file to be read
metadata : OrderedDict
A mapping of metadata that was entities.
peptide_table : _MzTabTable or pd.DataFrame
The table of peptides. Not commonly used.
protein_table : _MzTabTable or pd.DataFrame
The table of protein identifications.
small_molecule_table : _MzTabTable or pd.DataFrame
The table of small molecule identifications.
spectrum_match_table : _MzTabTable or pd.DataFrame
The table of spectrum-to-peptide match identifications.
table_format: 'df', 'dict', or callable
The structure type to replace each table with. The string
'df' will use pd.DataFrame instances. 'dict' will create
a dictionary of dictionaries for each table. A callable
will be called on each raw _MzTabTable object
Additional components of :attr:`metadata` are exposed as properties, returning
single values or aggregated collections of objects.
__metadata_properties__ = [
('mzTab-version', 'version', ()),
('mzTab-mode', 'mode', 'P'),
('mzTab-type', 'type', 'P'),
('mzTab-ID', 'id', 'M'),
('ms_run[]', 'ms_runs', 'MP'),
('instrument[]', 'instruments', ()),
('software[]', 'software', ()),
('publication[]', 'publications', ()),
('contact[]', 'contacts', ()),
('uri[]', 'uris', ()),
('external_study_uri[]', 'external_study_uris', ()),
('quantification_method', 'quantification_method', 'M'),
('sample[]', 'samples', ()),
('assay[]', 'assays', ()),
('study_variable[]', 'study_variables', 'M'),
('custom[]', 'custom', ()),
('cv[]', 'cvs', 'M'),
('database[]', 'databases', 'M'),
('psm_search_engine_score[]', 'psm_search_engine_scores', ()),
('protein_search_engine_score[]', 'protein_search_engine_scores', ()),
('fixed_mod[]', 'fixed_mods', 'P'),
('variable_mod[]', 'variable_mods', 'P'),
('derivatization_agent[]', 'derivatization_agents', ()),
'small_molecule_quantification_unit', 'M'),
('small_molecule_feature-quantification_unit', 'small_molecule_feature_quantification_unit', 'M'),
'small_molecule_identification_reliability', ()),
('id_confidence_measure[]', 'id_confidence_measures', 'M'),
('colunit-small_molecule', 'colunit_small_molecule', ()),
('colunit-small_molecule_feature', 'colunit_small_molecule_feature', ()),
('colunit-small_molecule_evidence', 'colunit_small_molecule_evidence', ()),
('sample_processing[]', 'sample_processing', ())
def __init__(self, path, encoding='utf8', table_format=DATA_FRAME_FORMAT):
if table_format == DATA_FRAME_FORMAT:
# Must be defined in order for metadata properties to work
self.variant = None
self.file = _file_obj(path, mode='r', encoding=encoding)
self.metadata = OrderedDict()
self.comments = []
self._table_format = table_format
def table_format(self):
return self._table_format
def __getitem__(self, key):
key = key.lower().strip()
if key in ('psm', ):
return self.spectrum_match_table
if key in ('pep', ):
return self.peptide_table
if key in ('prt', ):
return self.protein_table
if key in ('sml', ):
return self.small_molecule_table
if key in ('smf', ):
return self.small_molecule_feature_table
if key in ('sme', ):
return self.small_molecule_evidence_table
raise KeyError(key)
def __iter__(self):
if self.variant == "P":
yield 'PRT', self.protein_table
yield 'PEP', self.peptide_table
yield 'PSM', self.spectrum_match_table
yield 'SML', self.small_molecule_table
elif self.variant == "M":
yield 'SML', self.small_molecule_table
yield 'SMF', self.small_molecule_feature_table
yield 'SME', self.small_molecule_evidence_table
def _init_tables(self):
self.protein_table = _MzTabTable("protein")
self.peptide_table = _MzTabTable("peptide")
self.spectrum_match_table = _MzTabTable('psm')
self.small_molecule_table = _MzTabTable('small molecule')
self.small_molecule_feature_table = _MzTabTable('small molecule feature')
self.small_molecule_evidence_table = _MzTabTable('small molecule evidence')
def _transform_tables(self):
if self._table_format == DATA_FRAME_FORMAT:
self.protein_table = self.protein_table.as_df('accession')
self.peptide_table = self.peptide_table.as_df()
self.spectrum_match_table = self.spectrum_match_table.as_df('PSM_ID')
self.small_molecule_table = self.small_molecule_table.as_df()
self.small_molecule_feature_table = self.small_molecule_feature_table.as_df()
self.small_molecule_evidence_table = self.small_molecule_evidence_table.as_df()
elif self._table_format in (DICT_FORMAT, dict):
self.protein_table = self.protein_table.as_dict()
self.peptide_table = self.peptide_table.as_dict()
self.spectrum_match_table = self.spectrum_match_table.as_dict()
self.small_molecule_table = self.small_molecule_table.as_dict()
self.small_molecule_feature_table = self.small_molecule_feature_table.as_dict()
self.small_molecule_evidence_table = self.small_molecule_evidence_table.as_dict()
elif callable(self._table_format):
self.protein_table = self._table_format(self.protein_table)
self.peptide_table = self._table_format(self.peptide_table)
self.spectrum_match_table = self._table_format(self.spectrum_match_table)
self.small_molecule_table = self._table_format(self.small_molecule_table)
self.small_molecule_feature_table = self._table_format(self.small_molecule_feature_table)
self.small_molecule_evidence_table = self._table_format(self.small_molecule_evidence_table)
def _parse(self):
for i, line in enumerate(self.file):
line = line.strip()
tokens = line.split("\t")
if not tokens:
if tokens[0] == ("MTD"):
name = tokens[1]
value = self._cast_value(tokens[2])
self.metadata[name] = value
elif tokens[0] == 'COM':
# headers
elif tokens[0] == "PRH":
self.protein_table.header = tokens[1:]
elif tokens[0] == "PEH":
self.peptide_table.header = tokens[1:]
elif tokens[0] == "PSH":
self.spectrum_match_table.header = tokens[1:]
elif tokens[0] == "SMH":
self.small_molecule_table.header = tokens[1:]
elif tokens[0] == "SFH":
self.small_molecule_feature_table.header = tokens[1:]
elif tokens[0] == "SEH":
self.small_molecule_evidence_table.header = tokens[1:]
# rows
elif tokens[0] == "PRT":
elif tokens[0] == "PEP":
elif tokens[0] == "PSM":
elif tokens[0] == "SML":
elif tokens[0] == "SMF":
elif tokens[0] == "SME":
def _determine_schema_version(self):
if self.version is not None:
version = str(self.version)
warnings.warn("The mzTab-version metadata header was missing. Assuming the schema version is 1.0.0")
version = "1.0.0"
self.version = version
match = re.search(r"(?P<schema_version>\d+(?:\.\d+(?:\.\d+)?)?)(?:-(?P<schema_variant>[MP]))?", version)
if match is None:
warnings.warn("mzTab-version does not match the expected pattern: %r" % version)
version_parsed = '1.0.0'
variant = 'P'
version_parsed, variant = match.groups()
if variant is None:
variant = "P"
self.num_version = [int(v) for v in version_parsed.split(".")]
# Ensure self.num_version is 3-tuple
while len(self.num_version) < 3:
self.variant = variant
def keys(self):
return OrderedDict(list(self)).keys()
def values(self):
return OrderedDict(list(self)).values()
def items(self):
return OrderedDict(list(self)).items()