protxml - parsing of ProteinProphet output files
**protXML** is the output format of the `ProteinProphet software <http://proteinprophet.sourceforge.net/>`_.
It contains information about identified proteins and their statistical significance.
This module provides minimalistic infrastructure for access to data stored in
protXML files. The central class is :py:class:`ProtXML`, which
reads protein entries and related information and saves them into
Python dicts.
Data access
:py:class:`ProtXML` - a class representing a single protXML file.
Other data access functions use this class internally.
:py:func:`read` - iterate through peptide-spectrum matches in a protXML
file. Calling the function is synonymous to instantiating the :py:class:`ProtXML` class.
:py:func:`chain` - read multiple files at once.
:py:func:`chain.from_iterable` - read multiple files at once, using an
iterable of files.
:py:func:`DataFrame` - read protXML files into a :py:class:`pandas.DataFrame`.
Target-decoy approach
:py:func:`filter` - filter protein groups from a chain of protXML files to a specific FDR
using TDA.
:py:func:`filter.chain` - chain a series of filters applied independently to
several files.
:py:func:`filter.chain.from_iterable` - chain a series of filters applied
independently to an iterable of files.
:py:func:`filter_df` - filter protXML files and return a :py:class:`pandas.DataFrame`.
:py:func:`fdr` - estimate the false discovery rate of a set of protein groups using the
target-decoy approach.
:py:func:`qvalues` - get an array of scores and *q* values for protein groups using the target-decoy approach.
:py:func:`is_decoy` - determine whether a protein group is decoy or not. This function may not suit your use case.
This module requres :py:mod:`lxml`.
# Copyright 2018 Lev Levitsky
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from . import xml, auxiliary as aux, _schema_defaults
import operator as op
class ProtXML(xml.MultiProcessingXML):
"""Parser class for protXML files."""
file_format = 'protXML'
_root_element = 'protein_summary'
_default_schema = _schema_defaults._protxml_schema_defaults
# _default_version = None
_default_iter_tag = 'protein_group'
_indexed_tag_keys = {'protein_group': 'group_number'}
_default_id_attr = 'group_number'
_indexed_tags = {'protein_group'}
_structures_to_flatten = {'annotation'}
# attributes which contain unconverted values
_convert_items = {'float': {'pct_spectrum_ids'},
'int': {'group_number', 'prot_length'},
'bool': {'is_contributing_evidence', 'is_nondegenerate_evidence'}
def _get_info_smart(self, element, **kwargs):
"""Extract the info in a smart way depending on the element type"""
name = kwargs.pop('ename')
except KeyError:
name = xml._local_name(element)
rec = kwargs.pop('recursive', None)
if name == self._root_element:
info = self._get_info(element, ename=name,
recursive=(rec if rec is not None else False),
info = self._get_info(element, ename=name,
recursive=(rec if rec is not None else True),
converters = {'float': float, 'int': int,
'bool': lambda x: x.lower() in {'1', 'true', 'y'}}
for k, v in dict(info).items():
for t, s in self._convert_items:
if k in s:
del info[k]
info[k] = converters[t](v)
p = info.get('parameter')
if isinstance(p, list) and len(p) == 1 and isinstance(p[0], dict):
if 'modification_info' in info:
# this is a list with one element
if 'unique_stripped_peptides' in info:
info['unique_stripped_peptides'] = info['unique_stripped_peptides'].split('+')
return info
def read(source, read_schema=False, iterative=True, **kwargs):
"""Parse `source` and iterate through protein groups.
source : str or file
A path to a target protXML file or the file object itself.
read_schema : bool, optional
If :py:const:`True`, attempt to extract information from the XML schema
mentioned in the protXML header. Otherwise, use default parameters.
Not recommended without Internet connection or
if you don't like to get the related warnings.
iterative : bool, optional
Defines whether iterative parsing should be used. It helps reduce
memory usage at almost the same parsing speed. Default is
out : ProtXML
An iterator over dicts with protein group properties.
return ProtXML(source, read_schema=read_schema, iterative=iterative)
# chain = aux._make_chain(read, 'read')
chain = aux.ChainBase._make_chain(ProtXML)
def _is_decoy_prefix(pg, prefix='DECOY_'):
"""Determine if a protein group should be considered decoy.
This function checks that all protein names in a group start with `prefix`.
You may need to provide your own function for correct filtering and FDR estimation.
pg : dict
A protein group dict produced by the :py:class:`ProtXML` parser.
prefix : str, optional
A prefix used to mark decoy proteins. Default is `'DECOY_'`.
out : bool
return all(p['protein_name'].startswith(prefix) for p in pg['protein'])
def _is_decoy_suffix(pg, suffix='_DECOY'):
"""Determine if a protein group should be considered decoy.
This function checks that all protein names in a group end with `suffix`.
You may need to provide your own function for correct filtering and FDR estimation.
pg : dict
A protein group dict produced by the :py:class:`ProtXML` parser.
suffix : str, optional
A suffix used to mark decoy proteins. Default is `'_DECOY'`.
out : bool
return all(p['protein_name'].endswith(suffix) for p in pg['protein'])
is_decoy = _is_decoy_prefix
fdr = aux._make_fdr(_is_decoy_prefix, _is_decoy_suffix)
_key = op.itemgetter('probability')
qvalues = aux._make_qvalues(chain, _is_decoy_prefix, _is_decoy_suffix, _key)
filter = aux._make_filter(chain, _is_decoy_prefix, _is_decoy_suffix, _key, qvalues)
filter.chain = aux._make_chain(filter, 'filter', True)
def DataFrame(*args, **kwargs):
"""Read protXML output files into a :py:class:`pandas.DataFrame`.
.. note :: Rows in the DataFrame correspond to individual proteins, not protein groups.
Requires :py:mod:`pandas`.
sep : str or None, keyword only, optional
Some values related to protein groups are variable-length lists.
If `sep` is a :py:class:`str`, they will be packed into single string using
this delimiter. If `sep` is :py:const:`None`, they are kept as lists. Default is
pd_kwargs : dict, optional
Keyword arguments passed to the :py:class:`pandas.DataFrame` constructor.
Passed to :py:func:`chain`.
Passed to :py:func:`chain`.
out : pandas.DataFrame
import pandas as pd
kwargs = kwargs.copy()
sep = kwargs.pop('sep', None)
pd_kwargs = kwargs.pop('pd_kwargs', {})
def gen_items():
with chain(*args, **kwargs) as f:
for item in f:
info = {}
for k, v in item.items():
if isinstance(v, (str, int, float)):
info[k] = v
if 'protein' in item:
for prot in item['protein']:
out = dict(info)
if 'unique_stripped_peptides' in out:
if sep is not None:
out['unique_stripped_peptides'] = sep.join(out['unique_stripped_peptides'])
if 'indistinguishable_protein' in out:
if sep is None:
out['indistinguishable_protein'] = [p['protein_name'] for p in out['indistinguishable_protein']]
out['indistinguishable_protein'] = sep.join(p['protein_name'] for p in out['indistinguishable_protein'])
if 'analysis_result' in out:
for ar in out['analysis_result']:
if ar['analysis'] == 'stpeter':
yield out
return pd.DataFrame(gen_items(), **pd_kwargs)
def filter_df(*args, **kwargs):
"""Read protXML files or DataFrames and return a :py:class:`DataFrame` with filtered PSMs.
Positional arguments can be protXML files or DataFrames.
.. note :: Rows in the DataFrame correspond to individual proteins, not protein groups.
Requires :py:mod:`pandas`.
key : str / iterable / callable, keyword only, optional
Default is 'probability'.
is_decoy : str / iterable / callable, keyword only, optional
Default is to check that "protein_name" starts with `'DECOY_'`.
reverse : bool, keyword only, optional
Should be :py:const:`True` if higher score is better.
Default is :py:const:`True` (because the default key is 'probability').
Passed to :py:func:`auxiliary.filter` and/or :py:func:`DataFrame`.
Passed to :py:func:`auxiliary.filter` and/or :py:func:`DataFrame`.
out : pandas.DataFrame
import pandas as pd
kwargs.setdefault('key', 'probability')
kwargs.setdefault('reverse', True)
if all(isinstance(arg, pd.DataFrame) for arg in args):
if len(args) > 1:
df = pd.concat(args)
df = args[0]
read_kw = {k: kwargs.pop(k) for k in ['iterative', 'read_schema', 'sep', 'pd_kwargs'] if k in kwargs}
df = DataFrame(*args, **read_kw)
if 'is_decoy' not in kwargs:
if 'decoy_suffix' in kwargs:
kwargs['is_decoy'] = df['protein_name'].str.endswith(kwargs['decoy_suffix'])
kwargs['is_decoy'] = df['protein_name'].str.startswith(kwargs.get('decoy_prefix', 'DECOY_'))
return aux.filter(df, **kwargs)